
  1. H

    Pain, sleep and snoring 😭😭😭

    Ahh dear here i am at the end of a brutal day painwise. My partner has also had a big week and he does a manual labour job. Hes an incredible man and i love him to pieces but i am seriously struggling with his snoring. Ive tried ear plugs etc, hes tried a cheap mouth guard and this mouth spray...
  2. CreativeOne

    The Importance of Sleep

    I have been a very light sleeper most of my adult life(32 years). I struggle at times with explaining to others, like partners, how much I am affected if their night habits keep me up. Zink supplements seem to help me sleep deeper/less random awakenings. And now I am on astralagus. I guess my...
  3. N

    who is the best doctor in Dallas about Fibromyalgia

    I have three doctors recommendation Dr. Scott Zashin Dr. Zoran Kurepa Dr. Iftikhar Chowdhry Several good reviews about Dr. Scott Zashin but he do not accept insurance Please, my pain and disorder sleep is increase Thank you
  4. B

    Husband Day to Day

    New to the forum and wanted to reach out to those of you that could offer some guidance on care giving role I play. My wife of 35 years has battled Fibro for 7 years now. Background: I still work full time and have to travel out of town occasionally. She manages pain with Butrans patch and...
  5. Raegan

    Hello everyone! <3

    Hello fellow warriors! My name is Raegan. I'm 29 years old from Buffalo, NY. I've been suffering with fibromyalgia daily for the past year, but I've had symptoms since high school. I was diagnosed last fall with fibromyalgia and sleep apnea, and recently with selective IgA (immunoglobulin A)...
  6. W

    New Here - Symptoms but No Diagnosis

    I've been in a lot of pain for...forever, it seems. None of my doctors have treated it like it was significant - told me to take Tylenol or Advil and it should improve. It doesn't. I have osteoarthritis and spinal issues, but this pain is not in my joints. I have several spots that are...
  7. E


    Hi, I don't come on here that often but i'm in need of some perspective. I have been having what I call a flare up and im scared. Its been ongoing for the last 2 weeks and usually I can snap out of it or fix myself but this time I feel like i've just gone numb. Nothing hurts, everything is...
  8. K

    I Can't Stay Awake...

    Hello everyone, I've not posted on here for a few years. Such the season has turned into fall, I've not been able to stay up. The longest I can stay up is maybe three hours at a time, then I sleep for hours and hours. I get up and I feel like I've taken a sleeping pill. This is really becoming...
  9. H

    Help and support

    Hi. I'm new to this. I have been diagnosed with M.E and fibromyalgia. I have really low mood and I think I've tried most anti depressants. I'm currently taking amitriptyline 50mg. I tried to go up to 75mg but couldn't tolerate this so had to come down again. I don't really know if it is...
  10. C

    Did anyone start with these symptoms?

    I have had 4 "episodes" since June of 2018. I woke up one morning and hurt all over like I had the flu. The bones in my feet felt like they were crunching together. Every joint hurt. My hands/fingers/wrists were stiff and painful. I wanted to sleep all day long. I had a painful spot to...
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