
  1. P

    marine phytoplankton claims to be "effective in treating" fibro: overly optimistic?

    marine phytoplankton claims to be "effective in treating" fibro: overly optimistic? Has anyone heard of marine phytoplankton supplements? I hadn't until my mom started telling me about this powder she was taking that was supposed to be great for... well... all kinds of things. She's using a...
  2. R

    New to this site - but longstanding Fibromyalgia

    Hello fellow sufferers. I am new to this site. This is my wife’s story and my involvement. “The good news is that it’s not going to kill you. The bad news is that you will have it for the rest of your life.” This is my wife’s latest diagnosis by a leading pain physician in Queensland...
  3. J

    Fibromyalgia and gastrointestinal symptoms

    My cousin was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 3 years ago, whilst I developed trimethylaminuria (TMAU) symptoms. I was living with her parents when my symptoms occurred. Since her mother doesn't have a modern knowledge at preserving food, I have found something common in between us -...
  4. R

    Foods to avoid

    These are the toxic or acid forming foods. They interfere with the bodies' ability to absorb minerals and nutrients. They also make the body susceptible to fatigue and illness. These are: coffee, soda, alcohol, white sugar, salt, artificial sweeteners, processed foods and gluten. If you partake...
  5. R

    ionic footbaths

    Does anyone know if ionic foot baths work? It is supposed to help remove toxins from the body and in reviews for a home kit some with FM say it gave them more energy. I don't know anyone who has ever had one done, much less have a home unit.
  6. M

    Epsom salts the alternative pain relief

    Hi eveyone, just sharing what helps me with my fm pain. Studies have shown that magnesium and sulfate are both readily absorbed through the skin, making Epsom salt baths an easy and ideal way to enjoy the amazing health benefits . Magnesium plays a number of roles in the body including...
  7. J

    Do We Take Alternative Medicine Seriously?

    I was looking at an older post with this subject and it is closed, so I could not add my comments. I take A.M. very seriously. I've been working with alternatives/complementary/holistic medicine for about 25 yrs..I do all I can to avoid conventional medicines...I just had to take a abx...
  8. Sage Dancer

    The craze

    Some day I feel good as one can and others I just want to lie down into a fetal position and die but not literal. My worst season my pain increases is winter and my better season is summer. I notice that weather effects me because of the barometric pressure systems in our atmosphere. My sleep...
  9. T

    i'm beyond tired........

    I was diagnosed about 14 yrs ago with fibro.... my muscle pain has gone from bad to worse over the past 2 yrs..... doing anything around my house takes me all day long... of course there is all the things that ppl say can help but the dr wont give me due to having a heart attack 9 yrs ago..... a...
  10. S


    My acupuncturist suggested I take a low dose of creatine to improve my ATB, which is supposed to increase energy. He said creatine is used by body builders to build muscle mass, as it helps muscles absorb water, but this has risk. He said a low dose shouldn't pose much risk. Has anyone tried...
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