24 years old and newly diagnosed Fibro


New member
Sep 5, 2024
Hi, new to the forum and diagnosed with Fibro 2 months ago.
I'm 24 and the diagnosis was a shock.

I just wanted to ask advice all be it I know we are not doctors.
I am really struggling with my flare ups. I take Sertraline daily which seems to help a little.
When I have a flare up, all the doctors give me is Naproxen and Co-Codamol which take the edge off but make me feel extremely sick and woozy. Paracetamol and Ibuprofen don't help at all.

I was just wondering if there is any other pain relief anyone else takes which doesnt make you feel sick or are pain patches a thing used to help with Fibro?
I'm trying to work and live my life as normally as I can for a 24 year old but it is holding me back when the meds make me feel ill.
Hi @courtneypaigep1 .......

Unfortunately, there is no one medication that helps everyone who has fibromyalgia, because we are all different. I recommend you read through posts here, and also ask all the questions you want to ask, and gather information as you go.

You will find that there will be someone who says one certain medication ruined their life, while another person will say it saved theirs. One medication gave this person terrible side effects, but did nothing at all for another person.

Consequently, there's no way for anyone to recommend any specific medication for you. We can, and happily will, give out experience with them, and then you can decide which ones you are willing to try. but it is all trial-and-error for each one of us to find out if there's anything that helps. Many of them have side effects.

For me, for instance, gabapentin did nothing at all. Cymbalta gave me terrible side effects. Pregablin (Lyrica) seems to be helping a lot right now, but I have no idea whether or not it will continue to work or if it will stop working or start giving me bad side effects, because so far that's what all medications have done previously.

The most important thing you can do for yourself is experiment with everything you can do to help, and that's not just medication but also diet, exercise, mental state, stress management and so on. Fibromyalgia is a condition that requires a multi-faceted approach to treatment. Medication alone is never enough.
Please read my post of Advice For Managing Fibromyalgia to get ideas and suggestions on that.

Hi @courtneypaigep1 ,

I have the same type of feelings, I am 23 and was diagnosed a little less then a year ago. In that time I've been trying to find things that work for me while dealing with what seems like constant flare ups. I have been pregabalin since the beginning along with duluxotine which was added later and have found it lessens the pain but doesn't completely get rid of it which is something I'm struggling with now. I don't have a lot of advice to offer but just wanted to share my experience with you to let you know you're not alone in this young fibro journey! I hope you find something that helps!