Gone potty? Plants gardens and lawns .

Hi SBee, wow that would be fascinating to dig up artefacts from the yard.
All I have dug up are old bottles, even an old baby bottle thats pointed at the ends to put teats on I’d say . Very exciting.
@Harpy everything is a treasure for someone like me! I'm like a mad magpie collecting stones, leaves, feathers but to touch something like your baby bottle or a 300 year old lost and rediscovered button that belonged to anyone of our ancestors also holds a touch of magic. 😁
@Harpy everything is a treasure for someone like me! I'm like a mad magpie collecting stones, leaves, feathers but to touch something like your baby bottle or a 300 year old lost and rediscovered button that belonged to anyone of our ancestors also holds a touch of magic. 😁
I am the same way.
A beach is to be combed for treasure, so is a dry wash or a riverbed, or an open stretch of prairie, an unused mountain trail, or anywhere else that I go outdoors.
Feathers (I am pretty good at identifying them and have a collection), rocks that I bring home for my land, and of course anything at all that is old and worn and somehow aesthetically pleasing, like rusted old bits of things in weird shapes. I've collected fossils of various kinds, crystals, and love all of it. One of my favorite things to do is go on a treasure hunt.
Hah! Sounds just like me @sunkacola we too have a collection of feathers which we are also pretty good at identifying - if we dont know we try to find out so again,keep on learning then the body and mind both get exercised. I bring back so many stones and rocks in my pockets i swear if I fell into a river their weight would help drown me...

I am not attracted to the sea unless its a wild day where the wind and salt kind of whips into the soul,but the ' treasures ' to be found are special, water worn wood a favourite of mine. I collect stones with holes in them too, known as Hag stones to protect from evil apparently.

And my all time favourite thing...? Yep, like you, anything rusty found in fields and hedges to place outside and let the elements continue to age them. Horseshoes are real finds - would you get them on your older prairie trails?? These things are it seems to you, as they are to me simple honest treasures

Being outside does literally keep me grounded. If i am unable to be outside then I'm like a caged bear. 😍
I collect stones with holes in them too, known as Hag stones to protect from evil apparently.
Never heard that name or that they protect from evil........but I have been collecting stones with holes in them for years. Have a whole long string of them, in fact.
And yes, horseshoes.
I really love the whole concept of finding treasure that probably no one else wants, and in some cases that someone threw away a long time ago. I used to incorporate many of these things, including bones and skulls, into my artwork, but these days I make a different kind of art and don't use them any more. but I still cannot stop picking something up if it has an appeal to me. I figure...no harm in it if it pleases us to do that. It doesn't clutter my house because most of it stays outside anyway (except for the feathers) and enhances my outdoor property. I have so many beautiful rocks around my house and in my landscaping, and next to the door.

And yes.....being outside is absolutely necessary for life, for me.
We have things in common, @SBee , in spite of living an ocean away in very very different lands. :)
What a gorgeous end of winters day. Was just as nice yesterday. I spent the day pottering around in my little spot and think I did too much 😳 oh my low back/hips/thighs.
Was worth it though , love my plants. 🪴
Would any one know what I would do with these plants, is this normal?
I know there succulents but that’s it. They were a single plant when I got them, they just seem very crowded.
Would any one know what I would do with these plants, is this normal?
I know there succulents but that’s it. They were a single plant when I got them, they just seem very crowded.
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They do look too crowded.

I don't know what those are specifically. But it is clearly a "parent" plant with offspring and that's what made it crowded. Usually with succulents like that you can separate them. I would take them out of the pots, separating the roots as best I could and replant them. There will be some root damage, but the plants will live. Might take a little time for them to thrive again, but better than being so crowded. You can actually reproduce a plant like this using only one leaf, which will eventually grow roots if put into soil and watered occasionally. They are very hardy, so that's why I think you can just separate them without killing the plants.
Thanks for the info, I do have a lot of succulents ( cause they are easy to look after) lol
I wasn’t sure what to do as I showed a pic to a friend and they said the plant wasn’t well .
I will have a go and separate them and see how I go. I brought the plant from a stall at the markets and had no tags.
Whoo hoo it’s spring time,
I am so happy I wet my plants 🪴
I al loving these already hot 🥵 days , but not the Wind 💨
No colors in leaves here! We don't have deciduous trees.
I haven't seen colorful fall leaves for years.

In the desert, fall is a happy time because this time of year is when the temperatures start to fall, and at night it is finally cooling off. We still have days well over 100F, but more like 105, not 112 any more, and at night a lovely 75. Everything is green and lush from the monsoon, and it's beautiful. Won't last long, of course, it will all be brown again soon except for the palo verde. But here we are always glad when fall comes, because the furnace turns off and you can do stuff outdoors in the middle of the day again. Of course, it depends on the year how much fall we get. Last year it was still 105 in October. But it seems to be cooling down a bit more this year, so fingers crossed for a nice autumn.