Chronic Pain

CFS/Fibromyalgia/Pain Healing Support Group

I suffered from CFS for over 15 years. I finally found the missing link to healing my body and now teach others to do the same.  I am a holistic practitioner helping people with chronic pain, illness, depression, anxiety etc. Our support group offers support, compassion, camaraderie and help to local individuals affected by Fibromyalgia, CFS and chronic pain related syndromes. Learn ways to naturally and permanently heal the body, relieve pain.  Worldwide phone support available.Also working with healing with sound to release pain from the body.

Medford Fibromyalgia/CFS Support Group

Our support group offers support, compassion, information and help to local individuals affected by

Fibromyalgia, CFS and chronic pain related syndromes.

Fibromyalgia Support Group of Cowlitz County and Beyond

Our support group offers support, compassion, camaraderie and help to local individuals affected by Fibromyalgia, CFS and chronic pain related syndromes.  We meet the 2nd Wed of every month 11-1 at Stuffies Restaurant.

Selby Fibromyalgia And Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Support Group

Our support group offers support, compassion, camaraderie and help to local individuals affected by Fibromyalgia, CFS and chronic pain related syndromes. We meet every second Friday at 10am to midday for coffee and/or breakfast at The Grey Horse in Brayton, Selby.....subject to change! Find us on facebook


Albany chronic pain support group

Our support group offers support, compassion, camaraderie and help to local individuals affected by Fibromyalgia, CFS and chronic pain related syndromes.

Katy/West Houston Fibromyalgia & Chronic Pain Support Community

Our support group offers support, compassion, camaraderie and help to local individuals affected by Fibromyalgia, CFS and chronic pain related syndromes.

We provide at least one meeting per month giving members a chance to exchange information, and also host guest speakers involved in healthcare.  We also schedule lunch and movie dates or other activities to get members out of the house and socializing.

Albuquerque Fibromyalgia Support Group

Our support group offers support, compassion, camaraderie and help to local individuals affected by Fibromyalgia, CFS and chronic pain related syndromes. Our monthly meetings are held every first Tuesday of the month from 1-3pm at the North Domingo Baca Multigenerational Center. 

Fibromyalgia Well Spring Foundation

Our support group offers support, compassion, camaraderie and help to local individuals affected by Fibromyalgia, CFS and chronic pain related syndromes.

We have Groups in Surrey, Langley, Abbotsford & Chilliwack BC also a large online Facebook Group

Dayton Fibro Fighters

The purpose of this group is to provide those struggling with fibromyalgia/chronic pain or chronic fatigue with face-to-face interaction from others who understand what life is like battling this disease. I want the group members to find strength in educating themselves about the disease through guest speakers. I want members to share their personal experiences of what's improved their quality of life. I'd like the group as a whole to help bring awareness to the public about Fibromyalgia. I want to find strength within ourselves and within the group to become fighters.
