Hi Blue Paradise, SSD and SSI are two completely different governmental programs. While both programs are overseen and managed by the Social Security Administration, and medical eligibility for disability is determined in the same manner for both programs there are distince differences between the two. The main difference between SSD and SSI is the fact that SSD is available to workers who have accumulated a sufficient number of work credits, while SSI disability benefits are available to low income individuals who have either never worked or who haven't earned enough work credits to qualify for SSD. So it may be possible to get SSI with fibromyalgia alone I don't think you can get SSD for fibromyalgia alone. But I could be wrong. Going into this process everyone told me that I would be denied the first two times I applied (which I was) but I know of at least four people got it on their first try. So you never know. It is in the hands of God.