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  1. vickythecat

    G’day, new here

    Hi Harpy, welcome to the forum. I'm glad to hear you found an osteopath that has helped you, let's hope everyone suffering find that one person who is really willing and able to help us. I'm also having huge issues with nights and only last night it occurred to me; it is all because I don't...
  2. vickythecat

    Anyone not on drugs for Fibro?

    Hi, Living with fibromyalgia for 25 years, 20's, 30's made it through with occasional pain killer, lots of PT, lots of rest - but it was a time when I had trouble accepting my diagnosis so I'd push my body, then burn out, then hit rock bottom, but then try again and again. For the past 9...
  3. vickythecat

    i'm so tired

    First of all welcome to the forum. My advice; since you have only been recently diagnosed; go through this forum, read all that interests, keep an open mind about treatment options (something as simple as a 'heat pack' can be more powerful than any medication out there for many for example)...
  4. vickythecat

    how do people live like this?

    you live for the very few ok and good minutes, hours or days that you might have. On those days, yes, one does tend to feel bad because you are reminded head on (like a hard slap) about how bad you have it on your bad days. I go on because of that slither of hope that someday there will be a...
  5. vickythecat

    Remarks from doctors - that hurt real bad

    Hahaha just picturing rich people being surprised that I won't be able to join them in Belize! LOL!!! I actually do know people like that. The world we live in.... The 10 days after these doctors' visit (which I had to spend mostly in bed and in tears), I am finally doing better and just like...
  6. vickythecat

    Remarks from doctors - that hurt real bad

    Hi, After many years of living as a recluse, I finally started going to doctors and getting referrals to see specialists. From the 1st doctor I went to; while in a full blast panic attack, these are the remarks she made; - "you should start working" (yeah because I finished an ivy league...
  7. vickythecat

    Lady gaga

    It was about 6 months right around the time she released a documentary about her life that it was revealed she suffers from fibro, and had to cancel concert tour dates, back then as well. I do hope she brings awareness to fibro - she has the power to do so. I hope she does a sit down interview...
  8. vickythecat

    Fibro - life sentence

    NEVER feel silly, guilty, weak, or like a drama queen for venting. Like you said, living with fibro is a life sentence. It is there all the time. Healthy people and doctors so often forget this fact. Even on a good day, when everything is working well, it can all turn around in 10 minutes and...
  9. vickythecat

    Hi everyone im new to this forum

    Sadly, as you will read many times on this forum, it can take years for a diagnosis. Sometimes, if you are a smart patient and have a good doctor, it can take months. Mine was unofficially diagnosed at age 19, but when I moved away and was seeing a different GP at each visit, all my complaints...
  10. vickythecat

    Feeling Hopelessly Adrift

    I was 19 when I first was unofficially diagnosed with fibro. I thought the pain and fatigue that I had been having for many many years a child and teenager were all normal, that everyone had them. But I did not want to accept a serious diagnosis like that so I went on and on and on - until I...
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