
  1. A


    Fibromyalgia-diagnosed Hello everyone, My name is Athina and i am from Greece. I am 28 years old and recently before a month and a half i was diagnosed with fibromyalgia,afer 5 years of endless running to the doctors for pain in the hands, in my back, in my legs and making all kind of exams...
  2. L

    Lyrica or Alternate Treatments

    Hi Everyone, Firstly i am happy to have found this forum! I have had fibromyalgia for 3 months now and was prescribed Lyrica. Due to other medical complications in the past and having had quiet a few surgical procedures i became very sick 10yrs ago from pain killers and a variety of...
  3. G

    Raising a Child Who Has Primary Juvenile Fibro?

    I am sharing my own experience with raising a child who has Primary Juvenile Fibro. Is anyone else raising a Fibro Child? What have you learned? What's working for you? My child has Primary Juvenile Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS. She beat a round with CRPS that still sort of tries to flare...
  4. W

    Hello, New and sharing my story.

    Hello there, I am brand new here and I hope not to make any faux pas during my 'initiation' phase. Lol! I am 27 years old and was diagnosed with Fibro around 2-3 years ago, resulted from an accident at work around 5 years ago which damaged my foot and has left me on crutches ever since. Here is...
  5. N

    Anyone know of working adolescent treatments?

    Hey everybody, Im Nathan. I was just wondering if anyone knows of treatments/medications that have been/are being tested for adolescents. Im 16, and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 2 years ago. After two years of trying different meds, combos of meds, diets, homeopathic methods, accupuncture...
  6. L

    Falling for Someone with FM

    I've recently met a woman that has FM and I'm falling for her pretty badly. We haven't actually 'gotten together' in any meaningful sense, so she doesn't actually know that I'm romantically inteterested, but the vibes between us suggest to me that it might be heading in that direction. On the...
  7. J

    Can't find a doc!

    Hi everyone, First off my thanks to all you fellow sufferers, may you have a pain free day! I was diagnosed with fibro in 1989, got SSD on the first try, which as many of you know it is not easy to do. It has been a long road but found a Rheumy about 15 years ago who finally prescribed...
  8. T

    Looking for a fibro doctor in DE

    Hello, I was diagnosed with fibro October of 2013 and the intensity of this illness has picked up quite a bit in the past few months. I suspect that I have had this since 2009 having made many trips to the doctor for pain in my back, hip, shoulder/neck/arms, legs and feet. I finally broke down...
  9. M

    Turned away by Rhuemetologist?

    I was officially diagnosed as have fibro by a Rhuemetologist yesterday, but I'm not new to chronic pain or fatigue. I've been in pain every day, at least to some extent, since a car accident four years ago. My pain almost completely went away (stayed at a 1-3 every day) while pregnant then...
  10. FemaleFibroCEO

    Thanks for allowing me to join! I am a busy CEO of a women owned business

    I feel like I have come girl circle in the last five years with no relief. I have been to GM doctors, chiropractors, rheumatologist, spinal specialist all to no avail. I had a c5/6 spinal fusion in 2011 which shows everything exactly in tact but my body functions seem to be getting weaker daily...