
  1. 1sweed

    Do Any Of You Have Asperger's Along With Fibromyalgia?

    While I know we all struggle with Fibro here I wondered if anyone has ever been tested for autism and found they may have Asperger, which is the high intelligent end on the spectrum? I am going through some testing now to determine if I might have this condition and it would be nice to know if...
  2. C

    Fibro and working full time +

    I work full time in a high stress, mentally demanding and sometimes physically demanding job. I work with profoundly autistic high school students ages ranging 14-21. I also provide respite for a teen with profound autism on occasional evenings and weekends as well as tutor math a couple...
  3. J

    Fibromyalgia and gastrointestinal symptoms

    My cousin was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 3 years ago, whilst I developed trimethylaminuria (TMAU) symptoms. I was living with her parents when my symptoms occurred. Since her mother doesn't have a modern knowledge at preserving food, I have found something common in between us -...
  4. S

    Dealing with Seattle Weather & Surgeries

    Hi! I'm SickieInSeattle. Basically, I feel horrible. I'm not only feeling horrible because I HAVE fibro, but feeling lousy because it causes so many problems in my life. My son, with autism, is about to graduate from HS and I'm not there for him like I used to be. I have a...
  5. K

    Everywhere I go, I imagine violent things...

    FM flair ups are fun. ....said no one ever. I imagine the single most violent end to most everyone when I have a flair up. Everything gets amplified. Every ****ing thing. I'm almost certain this is how autism must feel. Lights too bright. Need sunglasses in the drug store. Sounds. I hear...
  6. F

    Gluten and the staff of life

    It’s doubtful that the biblical staff of life exists any longer. In the 1960s and 70s, genetic engineering transformed wheat and other grains into poorly nutritional but more profitable products. Engineered grains have challenged physiology and general health. The culprit appears to be glutens...
  7. lynnnelson

    Low-Dose Naltrexone (LDN) - Amazing and Good Clinical Studies!

    Greetings, I'm diagnosed with Hashimoto's and Fibro and have extreme pain and fatigue. The pain is in all major joints with aching, soreness and stiffness in all muscles. Brain fog and anxiety along with my low functioning thyroid (what's left of it). The autoimmune #'s were off the charts...
  8. J

    Hi all

    Hi Everyone ,please bare with me as im knew to this but i just wanted to tell you a bit about myself .I was recently digonosed with Fybro in the summer of this yr after yrs of going back and forth to the Dr's many scans even at one point them thinking i had a blood clot in my legs . It came to...
  9. M

    I'm new

    Hi, I'm Peg and I was diagnosed several years ago. I also have diabetes related neuropathy, sleep apnea, psoriasis, and arthritis. I am a widow (lost my husband of 34 years last January to cancer) and I live with my 23 year old son who has high functioning autism. So you can imagine that my life...
  10. N

    what in the world has happened to me?

    Hello there! my name is Nikki and I am brand new to this site. I was diagnosed with Fibro in April. In October I noticed this spot on my arm that turned into a hive and spread all of the way down my arm and turned into this huge bubble at my wrist. it was horrifying! I was diagnosed and...
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