
  1. M

    Lyme Disease

    I was researching and ran across a poor young lady that was diagnosed with m.s. ( Not convinced she went through yrs of searching). She lives in Canada and had 4 blood tests for lime disease. sp? Anyway all the tests came back negative. Finially after her persistance she found there were 2...
  2. P

    Useless drugs

    Hi all, Since I was diagnosed (and before), I've probably tried every OTC drug I can think of to help with my pain, and am amassing a real pile of useless drugs. The Cymbalta helps my pain most of the time, but when it's bad it's bad, and nothing else I've tried will help. My counter is...
  3. P

    marine phytoplankton claims to be "effective in treating" fibro: overly optimistic?

    marine phytoplankton claims to be "effective in treating" fibro: overly optimistic? Has anyone heard of marine phytoplankton supplements? I hadn't until my mom started telling me about this powder she was taking that was supposed to be great for... well... all kinds of things. She's using a...
  4. A

    New here and at my wits end!

    Hello everyone! My name is Arynn and I'm truly at my wits end and seeking some advice or comforting thoughts. Let's begin with me, I'm a 24 year old female from Canada. I've been suffering chronic pain for 4 years now. Two years ago I was throwing up, nauseas and had horrible migraines that...
  5. AbbyRose

    It all makes sense now

    Hi everyone. I'm Abby. I was officially diagnosed in February of this year by a rheumatologist, but my family doctor put me on Lyrica before Christmas. I've been in pain for years, but blamed myself for it. I was (and am) overweight, and that's society's first answer to any fat person's health...
  6. M

    New from Ontario

    Hi there from Canada! I was diagnosed with fibro two and a bit years ago but, as my dh said once he'd read a thorough description, 'you've had this since I've known you' -- so that would be a good twenty years (I'm in my mid 40s now). Definitely hit a downward spiral a few years ago when I went...
  7. DoobieBrother

    Anyone succesfully applied for Canadian Disability Tax Credit ?

    Being identified as officially 'disabled' by the CRA can substantially reduce one's taxes, depending on a litany of parameters and (deliberately ?) vague Hell-th Canada regs :evil: Has anyone here suffering from FM/CFS/IBS applied for this status ? If so, and you actually convinced them, for...
  8. DoobieBrother

    Greetings from the Canadian Maritimes :)

    Hello all, Doobie Brother here, just registered for this forum as after suffering alone for a decade, I need to ... vent :shock: I worked as a medical lab tech for thirty years, but have been on disability for a while now. My interests and passions include all things nerdy, guitar and bass...
  9. D

    New here, asking for help finding specialist

    Hi everyone, First day on the fibro forum, still not officially diagnosed after 2+ years of countless tests (you all know the drill). Even after being non-responsive to conventional chronic pain treatments and pain relievers, eliminating all other disorders, having all the symptoms and meeting...
  10. W

    Hello fellow sufferers,all the way from Canada

    Hello all, just dropping a " Hello " note before I dive into all that this site has to offer. Looks like there are all kinds of topics to keep a man busy. I'm having a fairly decent day so that seems like a good enough reason to go explore. Off i go................
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