
  1. R

    Possibly Fibro?

    I have been going to a doctor for a few years trying to get a diagnosis. In the last two years we have discussed the following: Quick, stabbing pains or lingering pains in random areas of the body Tingling, numbness or burning sensation in extremities, skin feeling tight...
  2. Tipnatee N

    Non-24 sleep wake disorder, am I really the only one here who suffer with it?

    I know the majority of Non-24 sufferer are blind people who suffering with absolute blindness. But there are people with sight that can get it from their other conditions and fibro sadly is one of them. My sleep schedules are so far out of bounce , it's not just living everyday in 25-26...
  3. 1sweed

    Interesting Read

    I got a magazine in the mail called Pain-Free Living, and it has a good article in it by a doctor Abraham Rivera, M.D., called Perplexed By Pain. In the article he talks about how hard it is to find reasons for pain and it usually becomes a process of elimination being the only way doctors can...
  4. K

    New member

    Hi. I am Katie. Newly diagnosed and new to the forum. I was also newly diagnosed with high cholesterol and put on a low carb diet. I am finding it difficult how to eat well for both conditions. It is not even 6 pm here and I feel ready for bed. I hate the pain along with the fatigue. Thanks for...
  5. C

    newbie just a bit bout me

    hi i'm carol.i have been diagnosed with primary fibro'secondary sjorgens and ischail bursitis all within months of each other and I've had granuloma cellular {excuse spelling in all posts please}for years.i have been on a lot of forums as I have been tested for lots of autoimmune...
  6. S

    19 with fibro and cfs...

    I am 19, and have had fibromyalgia for about 5 years now... When i was first diagnosed, it was extreme and they thought that i had lupus or arthritis, I was missing tons of school because there were days that i could barely walk. The past couple years have been less severe, but its still with...
  7. P

    marine phytoplankton claims to be "effective in treating" fibro: overly optimistic?

    marine phytoplankton claims to be "effective in treating" fibro: overly optimistic? Has anyone heard of marine phytoplankton supplements? I hadn't until my mom started telling me about this powder she was taking that was supposed to be great for... well... all kinds of things. She's using a...
  8. D

    Amitriptyline - does it help?

    Hello all, I'm 20 and have very recently been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, although have suffered from it for around a year now. Alongside this, I have two shoulder conditions separate to the Fibro troubles, which I have been treated for for around 5 years now. After failed methods of treating...
  9. P

    Random symptoms: Fibro related or not?

    Hi all, As with any new diagnosis, you start to wonder if all kind of other things are related. There are a few symptoms I've noticed that may or may not be related to Fibro (or Celiac) but wanted to ask about: 1. rapid weight loss: I've lost 10lb since March! This is a good thing, since I'd...
  10. Tipnatee N

    When other fibromyalgia person being rude to others, Do to fibromyalgia?

    A close friend of mine experienced rudenessly push and shoved out of the way in the water aerobics class by another lady who yelled " move away you are in my spot!!" That push hurt her quite a bit cause she have very bad knee problem with arthritis ( luckily it was in the water so the knee...
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