
  1. J


    has anyone here managed to get on disability for fibro? or while you're still young? I'm in my mid 20s. I've probably had fibro since I was young, progressing more and more until dx'ed at 19. I've had people straight up tell me I can't have it because I'm too young, I've had so many doctors call...
  2. djhsix

    Schedule A disability employment

    Anyone here tried getting a job with the federal government (USA) using the Schedule A Hiring Authority, which gives persons with a disability preferential treatment? Check out the Office of Personnel Management website for info. Fibromyalgia isn't one of the Targeted disabilities/conditions...
  3. S

    How can I support my hearing impaired mother when she is the one supporting me?

    Hello, I have myofascial pain syndrome and my mother takes care of my as a result of my disability. However, my mother is hearing impaired and losing more and more of her hearing. The sound quality that she hears is getting poorer and poorer as her auditory system continues to not work in a way...
  4. T

    What is your dream job?

    My name is Katie, and I have Fibromyalgia. I'm only 22. I've attempted to work full-time, but I was fired for issues related to disability. I saw a disability lawyer after the incident, but she stated it would be very difficult to file and win as I did not have my doctor's support. Since then, I...
  5. Hebee

    Should I be tested?

    I am a 36 year old male and I served two combat tours in Iraq back in 2003 and 2004. For the past 10 years, I have been dealing with widespread pain primarily in my knees, shins, shoulders, back, neck, and hips. I've also been dealing with numbness in my hands and occasionally my feet (this lead...
  6. D

    New here

    I was diagnosed in 2006 and things have only gotten worse since diagnosed. Currently seeing a pain doctor who I feel is clueless about Fibromyalgia and wants to try the following treatments on me,some kind of shots in pain areas,which if I do that,then I'll be getting upwards to 12-15 shots...
  7. A

    Job opinions

    I'm new here but really struggling what to do with my life. I was diagnosed with fibro in appx 2011, although I suspect I had it much longer, at that time I had worked as a medical Transcriptionist for 11 years. Finally I had to quit due to pain in 2012. After that I went back to get my...
  8. S

    Diagnosed in 15 and had years of low pain until now, does this sound like fibro?

    I am 25 years old (male) back in 2013-2014 I started having really bad calf and arm pin and had blood tests and a mri done along with a test where they shocked my muscles in my legs, sorry I can’t remember what that was called lol. Everything came back fine except that test where they shocked...
  9. A

    My Spouse, her job, and Fibro

    Hello everyone! My wife was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia. For a little background, she is a chemist for a petroleum testing company in Southeast Louisiana. Her job is highly demanding both physically and mentally. If anything, her employer has exacerbated her symptoms. She has been...
  10. M

    Feeling Hopelessly Adrift

    Hi all. I'm a 21 year old single mother, and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia almost 6 years ago. At first things were okay still. I could function through the pain and still live a normal life. However, in the past 6 months or so, everything has started spiraling out of control. The flare ups...
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