
  1. S

    My muscles are so tight I can't walk. Any supplements/vitamins?

    For months, I've stretched multiple times per day as instructed by a physical therapist. I don't think I'm any more flexible now than when I started. My legs are so stiff that I can only hobble around. My awkward gait is causing me to injury myself. I recently started taking 250 mg of...
  2. A

    Diagnosed Today

    Hi everyone! My name is Amanda and I am 28 years old. I was just diagnosed with fibro by my rheumatologist today. All of the symptoms and diagnostic criteria fit what I've been dealing with over the last year and now everything makes total sense. I had a hip arthroscopy to fix a labral tear and...
  3. medicmurphy

    Been A While

    Greetings to all of you, It's been a few months since I've checked in to the forum. I've been browsing and can see some of you are still actively battling this nasty syndrome. I also see that there are a few more members. The last I posted was about attempting to increase some exercise in an...
  4. D


    How does stress and anxiety affect your fibromyalgia. Is it instant pain or a response you feel a while later? Does it cause a significant body wide increase in pain or just small increase short term? Stress is a killer for me ...and pretty instant change. Just wondered how/if it affects...
  5. L

    Pain clinic

    I've not posted in here in ages, been caught up in the usual stresses of work, Kids etc. I had an appointment with an anaesthetist in the pain clinic yesterday and after being really optimistic beforehand now I feel really deflated. She tested my limbs by running a piece of cotton wool up and...
  6. W

    Can Surgery cause fibromyalgia/CFS and does using CPAP machine make the pain worse?

    40ish male, not over wieght and still working Quick History, 2014 cancer surgery, tumour removed, skin flap, graph. 2015 apporx 18 months later, rapid weakness, vision and muscle fatigue issues 2016 after MS clinic, Neurology, rheumatology, multiple MRI's every known body scan, blood test...
  7. K

    Most if not all of my Fibro pain was due to Amalgam Fillings!!!

    My pain, confusion, brain fog started around age 13. I didn't realize that I had just had 7-8 filling put in years before from a dishonest dentist( because I really didn't need them). I lived very very difficultly until 3 years ago at age 47 until i had them removed. It took about 6 months to...
  8. B

    Male 34. Is it fibro?

    Hi! Hope you can shed some Light on what's going on with my body. It all started about five years ago. I was healthy athletic man in my prime, never had any health issues. Then one day i woke up with a stiff lower back, but it loosened as the day went on. As days and weeks passed i got...
  9. D

    how to rebuild unused muscles

    I have been very inactive due to high pain for the past 2 at home all the time. I am suddenly very worried about the amount of muscle mass i have lost and i was in quite good shape even with fibro prior to this as i walked as much as possible and kept flexible doing my house chores...
  10. A

    New Member Here.

    I'm so glad to have found this site. I'm dealing with fibro and with ostearthritis in both knees, with the right one needing replacement soon. In the past I've dealt with depression, using medication and therapy and am finally off the meds for that. But I'm finding an increase of pain due to...
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