
  1. D

    Hello! New here...

    Hello All! My name is Denise. I am a wife and a stay-at-home Mom to two very energetic boys! :-) I was diagnosed with Fibro at about age 25 (13 yrs ago). I had constant joint pain and severe fatigue and sleeplessness. I was diagnosed by a Rheumatologist and basically told to take pain meds...
  2. G

    General Question/Looking for answers

    I was diagnoses 6yrs ago with RSD about 2 years into it I started have tremendous muscular pain in my arms & must of all in my legs. For the last 4 yrs, I started to feel like I was going crazy. The doctors just switched me fron muscle relaxer to muscle relaxer. And no changes, things were just...
  3. G

    Neuro thinks ALS, I want to believe it is Myasthenia Gravis

    Could really use your insight and direction... Knowing the ravages of ALS, I would much rather be diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis any day (even though that DX is terrible but it is at least somewhat manageable compared to ALS). I had to go into the ER today with difficulty breathing and...
  4. G

    Possible als or fibromyalgia opinions please?

    been a while for diagnosed i thought it was MS never heard of ALS untill a posting on MS site lady said possible MS.. but wait and see, ive had twitching since aug or earlier of 10* and has gotton worst, alsoo had lower back spasms which thught i hurt at wrk blew EVRYTHING OFF.. i mean what...
  5. G

    increased repetitive potentials/ALS?

    Hi-- I have been diagnosed with NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis) as well as polyendocrine dysfunction and an undetermined autoimmune disease that is sjogrens like and lupus like, and have severe spinal degeneration, osteophytes, canal stenosis, herniated disks and scoliosis throughout the...
  6. G

    So glad I found I found this group

    i just wanted to say how glad I was to find info from Canada (I'm in Texas) on Lyme diease. I was searching chronic sore throat & interstitial cystitis and came across lyme disease info. the thing that caught my eye was info on lyme disease and an inablity to drink alchohol- even three mixed...
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