
  1. VanGogh

    Metaphors, stories, lessons, teachers....

    My brain sometimes feels like it wants to explode! I want to get the thoughts and information out " there " but like a Twilight Zone story I often can not find " there ". On one of those political talk shows, I recently heard someone say: " there is no there, there " and I rolled on the floor...
  2. E

    Hi Everyone...

    Hello, I just googled and found this forum and thought I would give it a try. I was diagnosed with Fibro in 2003 and honestly I feel like I have been through every..(oops brain-fog moment)..Oh yeah, every symptom that comes along with having fibromyalgia. I look forward to meeting some awesome...
  3. M

    You have to laugh

    I woke up the other morning with a new pain in my left lower leg. " great ! " I thought add that to the list. As I was busy rubbing heat rub into it to try and warm up for work I noticed a bruise. Then I remembered I had fallen over the night before I had actually earned this pain. Bizarrely I...
  4. Forgetmenot


    I deal with my fibro in many ways .but in here I use humour a lot.dont go thinking I'm playing down yours or my illness , I simple like to find a bit of joy wherever I can. Like most of u I don't have much in rl. So if u read something and I reply in a joking manner dont take offence .but do...
  5. Forgetmenot

    Funny things to cheer us up

    inwas talking to my eldest son .who is 18 and his brother who is 16. I was feeling very low when my elder son reminded me of something they both did when there were 6 and 4. We lived on a busy St.and most ppl on the school run,Would pass by my house twice a day. I'd gone in the kitchen I don't...
  6. Q


    I am new here and have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Unfortunately, my family and I realized I have had it since childhood on and off, but now in my mid 40's it isn't going away. Nothing is helping it except not doing a thing...and as a woman, we all know that just doesn't cut it...not...
  7. 1sweed

    Stress Relief Diet

    Does anyone remember seeing or trying this diet. It appears to me it could be helpful in more ways then one. What do you think? The Stress Diet Breakfast: 1/2 of a grapefruit 1 Slice Whole-wheat toast 8 oz Skim milk Lunch: 4 oz Broiled Chicken Breast 1 cup steamed Spinach 1 cup Herbal Tea 1...
  8. S

    Hello - new today

    Hello, I've just joined this site and I'm very excited about being able to talk to people who can empathise rather than sympathise. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia/CFS/Neuropathy in my legs from my feet to my hips and in my arms from my fingertips to my shoulders aprrox 6 - 7 years ago. I've...
  9. 1sweed

    Ways To Take Care Of You!

    Symptom management is the hardest part of fibro, because it is hard to know when the symptoms of fibro end, and where a new illness might be begining. Also the no cure sends us for a loop, when all we want is for it to go away so we can enjoy life and be productive. This is a list of things you...
  10. MercyL

    IF Not Laughter, What?

    My question about laughter was narrow and excluded other outlets for the frustration we all feel when, despite all of our efforts and medications, we still have days laced with cruel, writhing pain or insurmountable fatigue. I find that , once humor has provided all that it can, I seek...
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