
  1. A

    Types of Fibro + Some Progress

    I've seen so many doctors and had so many different diagnoses that the story would be too long for this post. I'll just say my fibromyalgia is very "muscular" and accompanied by extreme stiffness. No joint pain but major pain in legs + general discomfort all the time + brain fog. I've made...
  2. Sagey

    Hot and Cold!

    Does everyone get cold one minute and then 5 minutes later they’re sweating? My temperature control is so undependable.It can be embarrassing at times.Ill be sitting with my friends talking and all of a sudden I feel my body start burning up. If I’m in my house I would be freezing and it’s not...
  3. M

    Cloths, Shampos, lotions, light sensativity, etc.

    There has to be those of us that have by trial and error have found some things to be better than others, as far as what works for you. I have the super dry skin problem, still looking into what that problem stems from, I "think" there is more going on other than Fibro, but, I have tried every...
  4. M

    Incorrect list of doctors accepting FM referrals

    I’m not sure how the list was generated but it contains trainees (not practicing doctors), retired rheumatologists, and even rheumatologists who don’t believe in fibromyalgia. I myself dont accept FM referrals but am listed as an expert in the field. This is causing confusion for my patients and...
  5. M

    Rib pain

    HI GUYS! I have had Rib Pain on 2 seperate occasions. Both times I was straining. I heard a pop, and then the pain.-Problem is I was only doing light work around the house. Both injuries were back to back.Just when I was getting things done :(.
  6. R

    Hello! I'm Rhi and I have Fibro/CFS and diabetes.

    For years, my previous doctor told me that I was exhausted and in pain because I had sleep apnea even though I never once snored or stopped breathing in my sleep. He told me I was overweight and all my pain was because I was too fat. (I don't disagree that my weight was an issue, however at this...
  7. S

    dietary measures

    I was wondering if any of you found a reduction in symptoms with different dietary approaches. I read the gluten post and that interests me. My problem is my food choices are often limited by my income, I reliy on food pantries, mobile and otherwise, and my friend gave me a bunch of food and...
  8. A

    Hi everyone im new to this forum

    Hi Everybody , I would like to ask you all if you could help me out . I suspect as does my wife that I may have this horrible illness Fibromyalgia . My symptoms are complete body pain from top to bottom . I am a builder which I put a lot of my aches and pains to but there is obviously an under...
  9. A

    Need some help please

    Hi Everybody , I would like to ask you all if you could help me out . I suspect as does my wife that I may have this horrible illness Fibromyalgia . My symptoms are complete body pain from top to bottom . I am a builder which I put a lot of my aches and pains to but there is obviously an under...
  10. F

    My Story

    I am a senior in college and over the past few years I’ve been discovering answers to some medical issues I was having making school and work more challenging and sometimes what I felt was impossible. First off I get migraines, some put me in the emergency room all day others kept me home from...
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