
  1. L

    Finally diagnosed

    Well, let's start from the beginning of my story and see what everyone thinks. I'm 22 years old. I guess looking back on it, I've had signs of this for awhile but it didn't become such a debilitating problem until a few month ago. At this time I was walking over an hour to work at a call...
  2. A

    Air Force F/27 Recently Diagnosed

    Hello fellow sufferers of Fibro... I was finally diagnosed with fibromyalgia last week, and I am just looking for some direction. My pain began last October. It all started in my right pinky finger and spread from there. I have now been dealing with chronic widespread pain for about 9 months. I...
  3. M

    muscle pain relief in Taiwan

    Every now and then, when we're working hard, we hurt our back. It might be from moving a piece of furniture and lifting it incorrectly, or from too much yard work. Often this pain in your back is muscular. While this can often be a painful situation, you should know that it isn't nearly as...
  4. FemaleFibroCEO

    Thanks for allowing me to join! I am a busy CEO of a women owned business

    I feel like I have come girl circle in the last five years with no relief. I have been to GM doctors, chiropractors, rheumatologist, spinal specialist all to no avail. I had a c5/6 spinal fusion in 2011 which shows everything exactly in tact but my body functions seem to be getting weaker daily...
  5. P

    My Intro

    Hi, My name is Patricia. I am fairly newly diagnosed with fibro, just in April 2013. I was diagnosed with MS in December of 2007 and I was already dealing with chronic pain due to the MS. I have been on Avinza, a sustained released morphine, since before my MS diagnosis. I've also been on...
  6. E

    mile high city

    hi been enduring fibro for about 4 years now. tried neurontin, savella, lyrica w/o success,(lyrica relieved pain for about 2 weeks and then became ineffective) hydrocodone provides the most effective relief for me. have been experiencing itchy skin bumps, anyone else have skin irritations? have...
  7. M

    No doctor really cares

    I'm super new in here so please bare with me. I was recently diagnosed with FM. I have been in so much various pain for the past 5 years. I was seeing a family doctor who just gave me vicodin and nothing else for 3 years. She would not increase the dose or add new medication with it. I was so...
  8. M

    thoughts ?

    Hi all, So glad to have support. I have been reading and I am thankful for this forum. I've been feeling crappy for roughly two years. It first came in the form of major digestion issues - I'd burp all the time and got no relief... just burp, burp, burp. I had seen many docs with regard to...
  9. M

    First time

    This is my first time on this or any other support forum. I am admittantly a little nervous. Well, here goes nothing: I have spent most of my life with no insurance. I knew that I had pain, but I didn't know what it was or why. I haven't had the easiest life, so I figured that the pain i felt...
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