
  1. S

    Rheumatologist appt

    I have a long awaited appt coming up soon with a rheumatologist and wonder if anyone can advise me? Diagnosed with fibromyalgia end of last year, and previously to that my ongoing hip pain was found to be osteoarthritis. But because my hands, wrists and finger pain seemed so significantly...
  2. B

    FM/a blood test for Fibromyalgia

    Has anyone had the FM/a blood test for Fibromyalgia? I heard the blood test is 99% sensitive (accurate) and can finally give a definitive diagnosis to those suffering. I am considering having this done and was wondering on others experiences. I have Sjogren's (autoimmune) disease and was told...
  3. A


    Fibromyalgia-diagnosed Hello everyone, My name is Athina and i am from Greece. I am 28 years old and recently before a month and a half i was diagnosed with fibromyalgia,afer 5 years of endless running to the doctors for pain in the hands, in my back, in my legs and making all kind of exams...
  4. R

    Wondering about symptoms

    Hi folks - brand new here. I used to think fibro was just all severe pain all the time, but recently saw something about the other symptoms and how the level and type of pain varies per person, and it made me want to research some more. For the past couple of years (ever since a seriously...
  5. R

    Random Paresthesia pain like Electric shock, burning sensation and Pins.

    On 23rd June, I woke up with a pain in my right hand palm which felt different compared to all the pain I experienced before. It doesn't looked like some bone pain or pain after cramp. It felt like the pain was coming from inside the body and to be precise it felt like it was coming from Nerve...
  6. A

    Recent diagnosis....sigh.

    Hi everyone, I'm glad to be here not because I'm glad about Fibro but because I'm glad I'm glad to have found a community. I'm 26 years old and have been struggling with pain issues and strange sensations for the last 6 years or so. I had c.difficile in 2012 which seems to have triggered these...
  7. S

    I'm New ... and in pain

    Hi. I'm new here and have never done a forum of any kind before, so forgive any ignorance in how this works. I think I may have had on and off fibro symptoms for possibly the last 10-ish years, but it went unrecognized until last October. I was in my Senior year of college and feeling so out...
  8. A

    pre-arthritic at 26

    Hey everyone, I am new here but definitely not new to the chronic pain of fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed when I was 18 but had been experiencing symptoms since the age of 12. Lately my joints have been hurting more and are weaker, I especially am noticing this in my knees and have started...
  9. B

    Do you work? What do you do?

    Hello! I am new to Fibromyalgia Forums. My GP is pretty sure I have fibro, and I'm seeing a rheumatologist soon. My biggest concern right now is knowing more about what living with fibromyalgia is like, and how it effects your career or job? Are you able to work? What kind of jobs do any of...
  10. A

    Diagnosed Today

    Hi everyone! My name is Amanda and I am 28 years old. I was just diagnosed with fibro by my rheumatologist today. All of the symptoms and diagnostic criteria fit what I've been dealing with over the last year and now everything makes total sense. I had a hip arthroscopy to fix a labral tear and...
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