
  1. H

    The emotional experience when a specialist finally decides to take you on as a patient

    I have been sick for 7 years in a months time, i have been referred more times than i can count to various departments at the hospital, rheumatology specifically atleast 4 times, i was seen once from those four or more referrals and it was a joke, a cursory examination and being told yip youve...
  2. A

    Could it be fibromyalgia????

    Hello i am a 26 year old male , one morning i woke up and both arms and legs felt weak, i will back the story up, before that day i worked out 4 times a week, and i work a office job but had a seasonal job 2 weeks* before i the weakness started that i had to stand and run and jump a lot as a...
  3. H

    Help and support

    Hi. I'm new to this. I have been diagnosed with M.E and fibromyalgia. I have really low mood and I think I've tried most anti depressants. I'm currently taking amitriptyline 50mg. I tried to go up to 75mg but couldn't tolerate this so had to come down again. I don't really know if it is...
  4. V

    Confused and looking for suggestions

    Hi everyone, I’m new. I was diagnosed a few years ago but it was ignored. It finally got bad enough I’m seeing a really nice specialist. I feel I’ve had this but it just got worse over the last 10 or more years. I have a bunch of health issues. My thyroid specialist is brilliant. He’s been...
  5. J

    Not sure if i have FIBRO...Please....please....help :(

    Hi everyone New member here - my first day actually. I suffer health anxiety. people always ask what's bothering you? what causes the anxiety? I know very well it's health issues. Apart from how i feel health wise I have a pretty good life and nothing I should feel fearful about. I've had...
  6. C

    Weakness. Is it fibro?

    Hi guys, I have been having issues since I had my first Caesarian back in November 2011 and it's been getting progressively worse. My mom had Fibromyalgia and is convinced that's my issue but I'm not so sure. I don't get a lot of pain which is primarily what fibro is, as far as I know. I do...
  7. P

    Disability decision from hearing- how could they do this with my medical evidence

    Hi- I have fibromyalgia (rheum dx 2011 and multiple Dr.'s), DDD in neck and low back, bilateral carpal tunnel, arthritis in hips, knees, hypothyroid, anxiety disorder. there are so many things with FM im not going to list them all. I filed for SSDI in 2014 and got a hearing in May 2017. Six...
  8. vickythecat

    Preparing for OB-GYN visit, advice needed

    Hi, I have not been to the ob-gyn in more than 6 years. Before that I had not been to one in 10 years! I've been through a number of different trauma's involving that part of my body, and going to the ob-gyn is something I've simply avoided, mostly due to the anxiety. I guess it is also easy...
  9. L

    Joint laxity

    Does anyone else suffer from joint laxity/hypermobility? I have it in most of my joints & it is a nightmare & along with fibro is the most problematic. My ankles are seriously unstable, I've been to a podiatrist who has provided me with orthotics as I have almost no arches on my feet. He...
  10. C

    Seeing a Pain Specialist / Consultant ??

    Are any of you seeing a Pain Specialist for your Fibromyalgia? My mom is seeing a pain special consultant for different issues, but I see that the Pain Consultants web site also treats Fibromyalgia. Are any of you seeing a Pain specialist? What kind of treatment are you getting? I have...
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