
  1. L

    How long did it take for you to accept living with fibro?

    I have a friend who has been experiencing beginning fibro symptoms for a couple years now, Hes mother has been battling it for 20 plus years. When he tells me how hes feeling and I see how he reacts to different situations I can clearly see myself in the early stages. Sad thing is he is still in...
  2. L

    I suddenly feel so old...hello, everyone, new 'club' member here.

    Hello, everyone!! Well, so here I am. After going through all the stages of "grief", I'm finally at the acceptance stage: I have fibro, and ignoring it for several years hasn't worked to dispel it. Long story short: our doctor diagnosed me several years ago, but I've always "carried on" like I...
  3. R

    New to this site - but longstanding Fibromyalgia

    Hello fellow sufferers. I am new to this site. This is my wife’s story and my involvement. “The good news is that it’s not going to kill you. The bad news is that you will have it for the rest of your life.” This is my wife’s latest diagnosis by a leading pain physician in Queensland...
  4. T


    At the risk of sounding sorry for myself I find that I am just not in the mood for tomorrow. I envy my friends and family that are out and about and enjoying today and tomorrow with loved ones. My husband and I are alone today (by choice) but we are going to my daughters tomorrow to celebrate...
  5. T

    So down

    I am so down today. I told my husband I am physically, emotionally, and mentally tired. Everything thing hurts even my butt cheeks. I was thinking that the medication I was on was finally starting to help with the depression but today I'm not so sure. Maybe I'm just having a bad day. I...
  6. G

    Raising a Child Who Has Primary Juvenile Fibro?

    I am sharing my own experience with raising a child who has Primary Juvenile Fibro. Is anyone else raising a Fibro Child? What have you learned? What's working for you? My child has Primary Juvenile Fibromyalgia and ME/CFS. She beat a round with CRPS that still sort of tries to flare...
  7. M

    Hi everyone another new one here :-)

    Hi I have been recently diagnosed with fibro. It is no big surprise to me that my body is finally manifesting these issues after years of chronic stress and various traumas. Even still i think i have been in the denial stages. I am experiencing a multitude of emotions, pain, physical and...
  8. M

    Sleep med needed

    Does anyone have any knowledge of a med that can help you get all of the stages of sleep but doesn't raise your serotonin levels? Being bipolar i am already on medications which up my serotonin levels and my doctor says i can choose between temazepam and flexeril. Temazepam doesn't get me into...
  9. C

    New here

    Hello everyone! I was diagnosed 3 months ago. It was a relatively quick diagnosis once I went to the doctor with my symptoms. I've gone through a lot of emotional stages and am now feeling kind of helpless and resigned. It is difficult to keep doing the things that are supposed to help because...
  10. M

    24 year old mum of 2 with chronic fibromyalga you name it iv got it :'(

    Hi everyone im new to this page. Im 24 with two beautiful girls and been with there dad for 7 years now. I wS diagnosed around 2 months after having my 2nd child. After a long conversation with my doctor she suspected I may have had it all my life aftef talking about my past. I am really really...
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