
  1. B

    Husband Day to Day

    New to the forum and wanted to reach out to those of you that could offer some guidance on care giving role I play. My wife of 35 years has battled Fibro for 7 years now. Background: I still work full time and have to travel out of town occasionally. She manages pain with Butrans patch and...
  2. S

    My muscles are so tight I can't walk. Any supplements/vitamins?

    For months, I've stretched multiple times per day as instructed by a physical therapist. I don't think I'm any more flexible now than when I started. My legs are so stiff that I can only hobble around. My awkward gait is causing me to injury myself. I recently started taking 250 mg of...
  3. M

    After 30 years of Fibro, I am finally feeling Human again.

    This is my first post. I just have to tell someone how to get better. I was diagnosed back in 1991, when the term was relatively new. I managed to limp through work using FMLA until 2000 til I was almost ready to die.(2 of those years I was on leave for clinical depression) I did not start...
  4. V

    Confused and looking for suggestions

    Hi everyone, I’m new. I was diagnosed a few years ago but it was ignored. It finally got bad enough I’m seeing a really nice specialist. I feel I’ve had this but it just got worse over the last 10 or more years. I have a bunch of health issues. My thyroid specialist is brilliant. He’s been...
  5. N

    Musings on Fibro - Mindset, Bodyset ?

    I have been watching a lot of uTube on fibro. Interesting stuff. I mean, hey, I feel like crap so I'm sitting around right ? I mostly watch stuff presented by doctors, medical specialists. There are some theories that our biggest problem is serotonin reception and/or dopamine receptors. I don't...
  6. M

    peeling nails

    Do any of you get this? For awhile, my nails will be fine, and then my fingernails will either break right at the quick or the top layer will separate from the bottom layer and peel. My toenails just do the peeling thing. I know i don't absorb iron - I'm permanently on supplements because I get...
  7. Tipnatee N

    Anemia and other severe minerals deficiency

    Anemia is nothing new to me but lately do to my other fast severely vitamins and minerals lost than I could consume. I'm struggling trying to find the right balance. Since I eat healthy it seems to keep me together better than before and found some relief , yet there's a time when fibromyalgia...
  8. Sagey

    Interesting article on mind body connection

    The first component of mind body science is a molecule found on the surface of all our cells in our brains and our bodies. They are so small that millions cover a single nerve cell. This first component is called a receptor, and it is attached to a cell’s outer membrane. It lies exposed to the...
  9. Sagey

    Benefits of Probiotics!

    Hi, I was reading about the benefits of probiotics and even my Gastroenterologist recommended them.I started them once again because I was in a flare for about 3 weeks with extreme nausea and digestive issues. I happen to find a brand in Rite aid that was $18.00 and contained Vit d and also...
  10. P

    Body tremor/shaking - Fibro symptom or drug side-effect?

    Hi guys, Having a rough few days. Yesterday stuck at home, today managed to get to work but not doing great. Anyway, aside from the usual pain, I've been having increasingly bad shakiness/tremors in my left hand, which seems to be spreading up my arm and shoulder and today my neck/head has...
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