Not Fibro but misdiagnosis still very painful

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Brett Husebye

New member
Sep 16, 2023
If you have skin die off daily no matter what you do, it is worth being tested for Reynaud Syndrome. It is also very painful, if your feet are killing you daily and you have purple toes upon waking and/or tender hands with red or purple fingers it is a sure sign and I was misdignosed by one of the top Reumatolovistd in Michigan. It is easy to do. You could still have both Fibro and Reynauds. I am jusf putting this here for a heads up.
Hi Brett, and welcome!
Yeah I have both, "primary" "Raynauld disease", now mainly in my feet. In my teens in my hands. Now - after fibro and then the CoV jabs - 5 pairs of socks almost every day and all night. I don't think I've ever been formally diagnosed by any tests, the docs just confirmed/accepted my self-diagnosis.
But aside from increasing, which may be from moving less, I can't say my Raynauld's has anything in common with my fibro. Edit: See below - I can now.
I was misdiagnosed
So they didn't recognize your Raynauld and you don't have fibro, or how d'you mean that?
I'm wondering how someone could mistake purple fingers and toes for fibro, I don't get where confusion could come in.
Fibro has to be much more widespread pain than in fingers and toes, plus many additional symptoms....
Purple fingers and toes to me also seem a fairly sure sign, the diagnostic procedure I'd think is to exclude something else or distinguish between primary Raynauld disease or if it's caused by something else secondary Raynauld's phenomenon. (The terms are used a bit interchangeably tho, despite what wikipedia says, e.g. primary and secondary Raynauld's phenomenon.)

What do you do about it, then?
Me passively socks and warm bedclothes, actively cold or alternate showering, as much movement as my energy allows. And supps for blood flow: B3, B12 I take a lot, arginine and B6 might help too, evidence of all is slight.

Lips white to blue:
Thanks to your post it just came clearer to me that my often white to blue lips will be the Raynauld too. Looked it up, it's rare, but happens. My cardio did refer to "circulation" and my feet, but I never made the connection to see my lips as part of "Raynauld".
Also wikipedia just put me on the track that Raynauld can be triggered by cold and also stress. I didn't realize stress, hadn't noticed that with my feet cos they seem only to react to the cold, so on really hot days I can take the 2 woolen pairs off and when it's colder I'll need a hot water bottle. But my wife can "read my lips": When they're white(r)/blue(r), I'm overdoing it, so that'd be "stress", meaning physical as well as mental strain of 20 minutes or so. Yeah, of course they go blue when I come out of the cold shower, so the cold is a trigger for them too. And they are never red, haven't been for years - maybe since fibro? The paleness is baseline 40-50%, and regularly (every day) goes up to "70-100%". Maybe I should call white 80% and blue 100%...?
My feet may occasionally hurt, but not really. Not even if I've been in a cold shower and pull up my toes for some reason, reducing circulation and making the toes and more go blue inside of 30 seconds.

Via my lips we're actually coming full circle to the connection to fibro: "Stress", i.e. strain, which is increasing, since almost all activities of even a few minutes have become more and more of a strain.

Now someone fibro recently asked if it's the facial fascia making my lips go white and blue, an interesting idea.
A review article from 2016 which wikipedia links to says about the mechanism:
In persons with Raynaud’s phenomenon, the already-heightened sympathetic vasoconstriction in these specialized areas is further amplified in intensity and scope: exposure to cold can evoke intense sympathetic-mediated vasoconstriction throughout this vascular network, including upstream arteries, which undergo vasospasm, arteriovenous anastomoses, and arterioles providing nutritional support to the skin.
So it's the fight or flight sympathetic "stress" mode that is increased.

Secondary Raynauld worse for skin:
This is about both forms, but if associated with scleroderma, meaning it's secondary Raynauld's phenomenon, the nutritional support of the skin is much worse than in the primary form, leading to "endothelial dysfunction". So, Brett, I'm waging that's what you have, seeing as tho your skin is dying off. (Mine isn't, just I have regular small skin issues on my right foot, so have to keep on my toes ;) with tea tree oil.) So as the review says people with secondary Raynauld are a lot worse off.

The cold in Raynauld's and in fibro - this is for Raynauld, but a lot sounds similar to fibro, I'd think:
The avoidance of cold remains the most effective therapy for any cause of Raynaud’s phenomenon and is a key component in the successful management of the disorder in all patients. Cold avoidance should not be considered to be a passive approach. Systemic and local warming are highly effective at increasing blood flow in the skin. Systemic warming is best accomplished by keeping the whole body warm with layered clothing, gloves, and head covering; avoiding rapidly shifting temperatures, such as rushing into an air-conditioned area; and avoiding cold and breezy conditions. Local hand warming with gloves and rubbing the hands in warm water or with chemical warmers can help prevent an attack or speed recovery. A typical attack lasts 15 to 20 minutes after rewarming.
This confirms my hot water bottle, also the chemical warmers (iron filings) I have with me just in case, usually gloves, always layered clothing.
Interesting though: breezy conditions and attack lasting 15 to 20 minutes after rewarming. Longer than 15 minutes in a breeze, draught, AC (e.g. car) or similar cause a whole body pain worse than in cold for that time. And my recovery takes 3 to 10 hours. So I'm wondering if that is a similar or a completely different fibro mechanism rather than Raynauld.

I'd realized this before, but not as deeply and clearly... - so thanks for the input!
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So I am outside in Michigan weather -5 degrees and windy because there are no trees anywhere near Chrysler parking. I forgot my gloves. When I was a kid I didn’t have this but I was in my 40’s and I left my gloves inside. ALL the blood in both hands said bye bye. My feet were another issue. They are only purple when I get up and my hands the finger tips are pink almost all the time. What I wanted to ask you if you have noticed when you are pissed off that it hurts you the next day? One more question do you swell up when pissed or have you swollen up after a car accident?
I have it was a head on collision and my neck and shoulders were so swollen up the xray tech was pissed she couldn’t get me all my neck in one shot so she started pushing on my shoulders, it was fked up.
Anyways I was fine.

When I am pushed far enough to get pissed I get really mad because of the pain it brings. Some butthead and his girlfriend were doing 20 in a 40 swaying back and forth in a no passing zone so I decided to pass them. They instantly were cussing me and sped up to match my speed cussing and calling me names. After three blocks of those Jackasses I ran up to their car. Scrawny wants to get out of the car, I kick it closed hard when he is putting his foof out and I did it again. I am really pissed now so I started swelling up. And I grabbed the Mustang above the windows spread my legs a little and I start ahaking the piss out of that car they are being flung back and forth and finally she screamed and I yelled now leave me the f alone.

My thoughts on this is either the blood is protecting the heart or there is major cell die off and that is the reason I hurt after getting upset. Have you noticed anything like this? I also have Poland syndrome, so bad I can put my right pointer finger on my left chest muscle and my thumb can touch the bottom of my ribs. There is no muscle on the right side of my chest and my ribs are bent in. Fun stuff. 1 in 30000 have this
Birth Defect from not enough oxygen during the third trimester of Moms pregnancy.
Hmm, after stress like that my fibro'd flare for several months, the Raynauld's does nothing, so no swelling either. And the pain everywhere starts massively as soon as the cortisol/adrenaline decreases.

So I've learnt fairly well not to get worked up much about anything. Part of that is techniques I've learnt over the years, and now actively putting self-care first, but much of it had to become avoidance - minimized direct contact/interaction, mainly written, and esp. leaving stressful situations immediately or before they come up.

I don't swell, but severe Ache and insomnia and more - just not worth it, for what?
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