
  1. Raegan

    Hello everyone! <3

    Hello fellow warriors! My name is Raegan. I'm 29 years old from Buffalo, NY. I've been suffering with fibromyalgia daily for the past year, but I've had symptoms since high school. I was diagnosed last fall with fibromyalgia and sleep apnea, and recently with selective IgA (immunoglobulin A)...
  2. R

    Hello! I'm Rhi and I have Fibro/CFS and diabetes.

    For years, my previous doctor told me that I was exhausted and in pain because I had sleep apnea even though I never once snored or stopped breathing in my sleep. He told me I was overweight and all my pain was because I was too fat. (I don't disagree that my weight was an issue, however at this...
  3. B

    Adulting is hard...with fibro.

    Hello there, I'm Stephanie. 33. Makeup Artist/Educator from Central Florida. I've been "diagnosed" for years, but my DR has only just recently started taking my symptoms seriously. My symptoms have gotten increasingly worse since, it seems every month becomes harder than the one before. This...
  4. L


    Hey. Just wanted to join and find like-minded individuals. This website seems very helpful and I hope it will be a useful resource for me. I'm not sure how active I will be, but I decided to finally make a account regardless if I needed to post anything. I'm twenty three, female, living in...
  5. D

    fibromyalgia, MS or ALS?

    Hello, I have become beyond frustrated lately. My symptoms started in November with pain that started in the palm of my hand, following day my arm, than legs. It lasted 4 days, I saw a massage therapist and I was better, no more symptoms. January 5th same pattern only this time lasted 17 days...
  6. P

    Newly diagnosed..a little overwhelmed

    I am in my 30's, married with one fur baby...a kitty. I work as a orderly at a psychiatric hospital. I am also an artist; I studied photography but I also draw, paint and write poetry. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia this year. I have been experiencing symptoms since I was in my early 20's, as...
  7. L

    recently diagnosed

    Hello all, Let me write you a short novel... hahaha I'm 27 and was recently diagnosed with fibro by a rheumatologist after enduring months of pain, starting with my knees. After seeing my primary, both were x-ray'd and nothing found. I had to fight for a Lyme test to be done and came up...
  8. E

    Tennis (elbow), anyone?

    I have had a bad case of tennis elbow in both elbows now for close to a year. I've learned to cope with it just like the rest of my daily pain and fatigue. I take Naprocyn and use stabilizing supporters on both elbows, which helps quite a bit for a while. I am an artist and musician, so I...
  9. L


    My name is Libbi, I'm (almost) 26, and I have been struggling with fibro and all its related conditions since I was 18. I'm unemployed due to my health, but I am an artist and writer. I would love to make some new friends, to commiserate with and be inspired by! :D
  10. Janet L

    Campaing against Bullying

    I've gravitated to the recent backlash against bullying in school. I guess it's dear to my heart because at some point or another, I was bullied, and probably a lot of us can relate. I came across the following video put together by an obviously incredibly talented modern artist. I thought it...
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