
  1. V

    Newly diagnosed

    Though I've been having increasing pain (and other symptoms) over the last couple of years, I was only diagnosed with fibromyalgia last week. My rheumatologist also thinks I have Sjorgren's syndrome or some other autoimmune condition (maybe lupus). I just had blood work done today. On one hand...
  2. G

    Really confused

    Hi! I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and I'm just not sure about it. I figured I would seek out advice from people with experience and that's why I'm here. This is going to be very long and I apologize. I will appreciate anyone that takes the time to read it! A little bit about...
  3. B

    Hello! Been diagnosed for 8 years now!

    Hi, I'm 20 years old and was diagnosed with fibro when I was 12 after 3 hospitalizations, a case of gastritis, mild encephalitis, and some confusing test results lol. To be honest, I feel like it may still be a last-ditch diagnosis, or, since it is a syndrome, a diagnosis that doesn't quite...
  4. O

    Who to believe?

    I was seen at one of the top hospitals in the US for my symptoms. I saw a rheumatologist, neurologist, infectious disease doctor, allergist, GI, and the pain clinic. I got what I like to call a 'non-diagnosis' of fibromyalgia. I tried a few medications that did more harm then good...
  5. R

    Fibro and autoimmune diseases

    I was wondering if anyone else was diagnosed with Fibro and also autoimmune diseases. I recently had surgery for a esophageal alacasia which is a very rare auto immune disease. And for most of my adult life (I'm 53) I have lived with degenerative bone, disc, and joint disease. Most of my life...
  6. Cheryl Ann


    I'm worried about getting a flu shot. Many of you have talked about having large swellings at the site of the injection. I have some new (new to me) autoimmune disease that they haven't identified yet. It causes extreme swelling. My GP said he thinks it has to do with my synovial tissues...
  7. M

    What is wrong

    Hi everyone, I'm melinda and I was told last month that I have fibro, but I think I have had it for yrs. On August 15 I woke up with the worse sore throat of my life. I could not swallow water, so I went to doc and tested negative for strep I was told I had viral pharyngitis. In a few days...
  8. B

    Hello- help please!

    Hi everyone. I haven't been diagnosed yet but my rheumatologist has mentioned fibromyalgia. He first wants to do a few more tests before we go there he said. So I wanted to share my symptoms and what has been going on for years and would really appreciate some opinions/feedback on whether you...
  9. S

    Could I have fibromyalgia?

    Hi everyone, thanks for taking a moment to read my post. I'm a 35 year old otherwise healthy woman. For the past 1 1/2 years I have been dealing with weird episodes that come and go. The episodes seem to appear out of the blue (are not triggered by stress or any other thing I can identify)...
  10. Cheryl Ann

    Hey :)

    Hey All :) This is the first time I've ever been part of a forum. This is the first time I have ever reached out for support for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain and Chronic Fatigue. I was diagnosed in April 2012. I have a niece with a slew of autoimmune diseases and 3 cousins with MS, each with...
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