
  1. UhOhNedio

    Lower leg/Foot pain

    Hey all, I have a question. Why are my feet hurting soooooo bad? Especially my heels. It feels like I've been standing or walking on concrete all day, and when I go to bed my lower legs and feet just ache. Backstory, (which I know is part of it but not all of it) all those sports and...
  2. E

    At a Loss

    Hi everybody I am Eric and it's hard to believe that I am coming up on a year of being officially diagnosed as for a couple years they could not figure out what was going on but anyway. I am currently at a loss as what to do with my Rheumatologist as before officially being diagnosed I was...
  3. M

    Homeostasis/Tolerance ruins every treatment attempt

    Does anyone else have problems with homeostasis and drug tolerance, to the point that whatever treatment you try only works for a couple months at best? I've taken and gabapentin, lyrica, baclofen. They all worked great...until they stopped working. Sleep aids are the same. Even diet! I...
  4. MEgersheim

    Quitting MEDS for alternative. Pls help.

    Hi all. I have a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia/CPS and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome which is a joint and connective tissue disorder which causes great pain in the joints. I have a 6 year old son and am a newly-wed. My husband is a disabled veteran who also lives in chronic pain, so I have a support...
  5. P

    Feeling Anxious!

    I was diagnosed with Fibro in 2012. I continually hurt on each side of neck,shoulders, hips, elbows, and I have muscle tension. I can't seem to relax. I'm to a point that everything around me affects me. It just seems as though I over react to every situation. My teenage daughter was driving the...
  6. R

    Hi, new to the group, member from afar!

    Hi everyone, I've just joined this group. I'm an American who used to live in Sydney, now based in Bangkok as of early 2014. I decided to go into business for myself as a child protection/safeguarding consultant working with non-profit agencies and international schools helping them develop...
  7. W

    Hello, New and sharing my story.

    Hello there, I am brand new here and I hope not to make any faux pas during my 'initiation' phase. Lol! I am 27 years old and was diagnosed with Fibro around 2-3 years ago, resulted from an accident at work around 5 years ago which damaged my foot and has left me on crutches ever since. Here is...
  8. S


    Hi Im steve Been suffering with fm for over 8yrs Just about 2 have my first mobility test at home thought id come in here and pass any info i find out 2 fellow sufferers My meds at the mo are 125ml amytripolyne 60ml dihdrocodine baclofen 20ml and an amazing help ibuprofen gel %10 strenghth...
  9. F

    New Pain Doc

    Well Folks, I took the plunge and went to an appointment with yet another pain doc yesterday. He seemed to listen well and take me seriously. I followed a fellow forum friend's (sorry, can't remember the name) advice and concentrated on my most serious issues. (Neck and shoulders at this point.)...
  10. F

    Opinions about Baclofen ...

    Had my first appointment with new Pain Doc today. I think it went well. He seemed to take me seriously and yet kept things light and funny. Funny is always good! For those of you who might not remember, I cannot take pain meds. They all make me seriously ill :-( .... Anyway, he gave me some...
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