
  1. B

    Confused and blindsided husband

    I have posted before and would like to see what advise you would provide me. I have a full time job and we have been married for 36 years. I have been her care giver and happy to do so for the last 5 years. She is on many meds for Fibro pain and bipolar. Recently, she and I discussed our future...
  2. D

    I’m new here

    Just trying to learn the ropes here. I was diagnosed in ‘98 . Took me awhile to wrap my head around diagnoses because I had never heard of it and of course if I hadn’t heard of it then it must not be true lol. I can handle the pain, it’s the fatigue that I can not manage. I feel very worthless...
  3. A

    Could it be fibromyalgia????

    Hello i am a 26 year old male , one morning i woke up and both arms and legs felt weak, i will back the story up, before that day i worked out 4 times a week, and i work a office job but had a seasonal job 2 weeks* before i the weakness started that i had to stand and run and jump a lot as a...
  4. R

    Wondering about symptoms

    Hi folks - brand new here. I used to think fibro was just all severe pain all the time, but recently saw something about the other symptoms and how the level and type of pain varies per person, and it made me want to research some more. For the past couple of years (ever since a seriously...
  5. L


    Does anyone else have sensitivity to the loud noise and bright lights from fireworks? My daughter was performing yesterday at a fairly big festival with the band she’s in at school and we were all given the opportunity to stay on for the fireworks display after. I was really reluctant because...
  6. Hebee

    Should I be tested?

    I am a 36 year old male and I served two combat tours in Iraq back in 2003 and 2004. For the past 10 years, I have been dealing with widespread pain primarily in my knees, shins, shoulders, back, neck, and hips. I've also been dealing with numbness in my hands and occasionally my feet (this lead...
  7. J

    How do i cope whith fibro and the menopause

    The menapouse seams to have made menny elements of my fibro so much worse I am told it may be the hormones I have had fibro for 18 plus years and it gets worse whith adage a first it was just tolerable whith pain management but now I am a certain adage in my 50s it's just so bad there's...
  8. S

    I'm New ... and in pain

    Hi. I'm new here and have never done a forum of any kind before, so forgive any ignorance in how this works. I think I may have had on and off fibro symptoms for possibly the last 10-ish years, but it went unrecognized until last October. I was in my Senior year of college and feeling so out...
  9. S

    feeling hopeless

    So I have a kidney transplant and about 40% efficient there and was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia last year. I have not been able to hold permanent full time employment due to chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, and pain/neuropathy. My last two employers said they would work with me on the...
  10. T

    24 y/o male with fibromyalgia-related symptoms.

    I am a 24 year old male from the United States and I am in the process of being diagnosed/treated for something that has been described to me (by doctors) as fibromyalgia related. For most of my life, I have had mild anxiety and depression and was most recently diagnosed with GAD. When I was...
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