
  1. U

    Supposedly Fibro, but perplexed about one thing...

    So after hurting and aching and moping around for years, my rheumatologist thinks I may have fibromyalgia. And it makes a certain amount of sense -- in my mid 30s I really shouldn't ache all over this much, a poke to basically every trigger point makes me jump out of my skin, and the list of...
  2. I

    Need some advice

    I am a bit lost and feel totally lazy and guilty right now. I would like some advice if possible. I am a male in my mid 30s and i have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 9 years ago, and addison disease about 7 years ago. I did well for the first 3 years with addison. I was working full...
  3. Tipnatee N

    When other fibromyalgia person being rude to others, Do to fibromyalgia?

    A close friend of mine experienced rudenessly push and shoved out of the way in the water aerobics class by another lady who yelled " move away you are in my spot!!" That push hurt her quite a bit cause she have very bad knee problem with arthritis ( luckily it was in the water so the knee...
  4. vickythecat

    Found a way to be taken seriously by doctors

    I am sure we have all been there - been to a doctor who would not take our complaints seriously. Giving us advice such as 'exercise more, eat more, get out more, do things you like more. it could be depression, take it easy' etc etc etc. It is the one thing we do not need when we are already...
  5. M

    Frustration with Doctors

    I just saw my GP for a follow-up, because the amitriptyline I was taking was not helping my pain or fatigue at all. She repeatedly questioned "my mood" and I'm so damn sick of her insinuating that this is all caused by depression. When I'm having a good day/days my mood is perfectly fine. When...
  6. C

    In Need of a Diagnosis...

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get a diagnosis from a doctor? The reason I ask is because I've seen two rheumatologists. Neither one gave me a diagnosis, even though it is pretty obvious to anyone who observes me that I DO have fibromyalgia. I've read that many doctors are very...
  7. I

    So much shame...

    This probably goes w/o saying, but having been diagnosed unexpectedly (ystrdy) after years of searching for answers and coming up short, I feel a lot of denial, frustration and sadness. I am not naive to the realities, but there is a crazy amount of shame that comes w/ this dx for me. First...
  8. E

    pity party, temporary

    Ouch. Owie. Back and joints crunching, popping out of place. If anyone even blinks am in tears. Want to dance in the rain, not happening. Makes me want to pull my hair out, but it needs no help. Falling out fine on its own. Feeling fugly stuck and useless. Moan and groan over. Needed to let it...
  9. M

    Hi everyone another new one here :-)

    Hi I have been recently diagnosed with fibro. It is no big surprise to me that my body is finally manifesting these issues after years of chronic stress and various traumas. Even still i think i have been in the denial stages. I am experiencing a multitude of emotions, pain, physical and...
  10. T

    Newly Diagnosed :(

    Hi, I just been diagnosed with FM for about a month and been only dealing with in since April of this year. So not long but it does feel like its been years already. I not sure what started the pain but we think it was stress because I was upgrading some of my skills for work and during that...
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