
  1. Rainbow

    Losing Body Heat...

    I've got a new challenge to try & deal with now which is an inability to keep my body heat combined with an inability to get warmed-up again when I do. This is happening alongside a tendency to overheat in a heated environment or in summer high temperatures. Am not sure if this is yet another...
  2. L

    Do I have fibromyalgia??

    Hi everyone. I know y'all probably get this question 10000 times, but I have to ask, as my quality of life is so so bad and I don't have insurance, so getting all the tests I need is not an option at the moment.. I've been experiencing these symptoms for about the past year, but especially these...
  3. R

    Possibly Fibro?

    I have been going to a doctor for a few years trying to get a diagnosis. In the last two years we have discussed the following: Quick, stabbing pains or lingering pains in random areas of the body Tingling, numbness or burning sensation in extremities, skin feeling tight...
  4. R

    Do I have Fibromyalgia?

    Hi! I hope you are all well, I just need abit of advice and help before I go to the dr. For years (at least 10) I have had pain, painful big knots, tightness, throbbing in my neck and shoulders, I get really bad headaches, sensitivity to light, weakness and vomiting. It isn’t constant but I get...
  5. K

    Recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia

    Hello everyone! I am very glad to have found this forum because I know nothing about fibromyalgia and was diagnosed just yesterday. Long story short - I have been having chronic pain, tingling and blurred vision off-and-on for the past two years. I have had multiple blood panels done and the...
  6. M

    Saying Hi

    Hi everyone Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm recently diagnosed (though suffered at least 3 yrs previously )43yr old Fibro mum who also has depression and anxiety and possible spondyloarthritis . Im a carer also for both my daughters with different diagnosis and my husband has aspergers...
  7. C

    Having a flare & can’t think straight

    I’m having a flare in my left side upper back/neck. It’s like a burning pain and I can’t get comfortable. I didn’t sleep at all last night. I feel panicky and hopeless and i don’t know how to resolve it. I’ve used dry heat and moist heat. I’ve taken Valium and tramadol (not at the same time)...
  8. L

    Yoga as therapy

    Okay, so I've been doing yoga for a few weeks and here are some things I have learned. Hot yoga has a far greater effect than normal temperature yoga and I do both. However, I do light heat yoga. DO NOT DO BIKRAM. Unless you want to train up to it. It is usually 100 degrees and many people say...
  9. L

    How stupid would this be...

    So I found a 30 day intro to a yoga studio for 30 bucks. Want to sign up. That's a great price. So I'm trying to slowly get back into yoga. They have two studios, one hot, one not. The latter has restorative yoga if anyone knows what that is. Which I plan on partaking in. It's like... yoga for...
  10. Tipnatee N

    2 foolish guys might have experimented temporary fibro symptoms.

    I was watching the TV show called the outrangeous sciences and it showed these 2 foolish men who posted their videos online. 1 man took a bath full of hot chilli pepers sauces , and the other one plastered his face with the toothe paste. :shock: The explanation about the heat burning and...
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