
  1. G

    Pregnancy & Fibro - experiences, advice?

    Hi all! I’m new to the forum! I’m Maggie, and I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a month before my first pregnancy in 2014. Because of the fact that I was new to both, I wasn’t sure how it affected my pregnancy. I had a rough go of the whole 9 months and had a 28 hour labor followed by an...
  2. vickythecat

    What is your own theory as to why/how you have fibro?

    Hi, I completely respect the medical community - from the many hardworking, dedicated researchers, doctors, nurses, physical therapists, psychologists, counselors etc. I am also very sure that there are teams all around the world, people who are currently devoted to finding the cause and cure...
  3. brsoucy

    Keep a positive on on the end result

    This past weekend, it suddenly hit me. Intense/severe constant pain in my upper right abdomen. Since I am 22 weeks pregnant, I freak out not knowing if something is happening to baby. I go to the doctors on Friday and find it is just round ligament pain (Ligament - kind of like a rubber band...
  4. brsoucy

    Enjoy the Precious Moments

    We will find out if we are having a baby girl or boy tomorrow afternoon!! Focusing on these moments and relishing them really helps get through the pain and fatigue during pregnancy. Take lots of pictures and enjoy these precious times! I am 20 weeks along, due on July 22nd with second baby...
  5. brsoucy

    Being Pregnant and having Fibro is Crazy

    This is my 2nd pregnancy and it seems my Fibromyalgia has gotten worse during this one. In my first pregnancy, it was mildly worse, but manageable. But with this 2nd one, wow, it is crazy. Growing a baby inside me zaps enough energy from me as it is, but with Fibro it is even more! I can't...
  6. H

    So Much!

    I have quite a long story that has lead me to this forum. I'll try and make it short and sweet. Everything started happening after I got pregnant with my one and only child who just turned 5 years old. About 1/2 way into pregnancy I developed electric like pain in my hands and feet. I chalked...
  7. K

    New here, question how your pain feels

    Hi everyone, glad to be here. I have had fibro, Hashimaoto Disease and an autoimmune arthritis condition all diagnosed within a year of my last daughter being born in 1995. She has Down Syndrome and it was a shock, life before was very stressful, along with the way I was told in the hospital. I...
  8. C

    Newly Diagnosed, yet not sure my symptoms fit...

    Hi there, I'm new here and was recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia by my rheumatologist. She didn't seem totally confident with the diagnosis but sort of as a way to "give me something" and send me on my way. This is going to be long but I would so appreciate some thoughts. Here's some...
  9. F

    Pregnancy and fibromyalgia

    Hello everyone! I'm new to the group as of today. For 8 years I have suffered from fibromyalgia, but was able to cope with my daily symptoms and pain with medication. But 3 weeks ago, I found out I was pregnant, and after speaking with my doctor, discontinued all medications for the safety of...
  10. Sarafina

    Fibro and In Utero Development

    I've been researching the possible connection between Fibro and in utero. For anyone interested or doing research on the origination of Fibro - Based on this article Early Life Adversity as a Risk Factor for Fibromyalgia in Later Life It appears there could be a strong connection found...
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