
  1. S

    Meditation stupid question time

    I know a fair few on here use meditation and I felt encouraged to begin this myself. I found a short guided form that I enjoy and fits nicely added in with my yoga time, or just on its own if I need a bit of extra help. Am finding the breathing techniques useful in stressy situations. But...
  2. B

    Husband cares for wife of 35 years

    I am new to this forum and it is helpful to seek and learn from experienced ways to cope with a loved one suffering from this insidious disease. I must say however, it shocked me the general view that husbands, men are incapable of support and kindness to their loved ones. I am sure that some...
  3. L


    Does anyone else have sensitivity to the loud noise and bright lights from fireworks? My daughter was performing yesterday at a fairly big festival with the band she’s in at school and we were all given the opportunity to stay on for the fireworks display after. I was really reluctant because...
  4. V

    Confused and looking for suggestions

    Hi everyone, I’m new. I was diagnosed a few years ago but it was ignored. It finally got bad enough I’m seeing a really nice specialist. I feel I’ve had this but it just got worse over the last 10 or more years. I have a bunch of health issues. My thyroid specialist is brilliant. He’s been...
  5. vickythecat

    When should one go to a doctor?

    I know this is somewhat of a stupid question. If you feel unwell, you should go to the doctor. For certain issues, some doctors tell you to have regular check-ups, so you go back every year/6 months. But I am confused with fibro because it can cause pain at the weirdest spots. I don't know...
  6. L

    How stupid would this be...

    So I found a 30 day intro to a yoga studio for 30 bucks. Want to sign up. That's a great price. So I'm trying to slowly get back into yoga. They have two studios, one hot, one not. The latter has restorative yoga if anyone knows what that is. Which I plan on partaking in. It's like... yoga for...
  7. L

    So stupid!

    Omg I feel so stupid all the time for doing really careless things! I just filled a hot water bottle to make me feel a bit better, didn't screw the cap on nearly tightly enough and burnt my leg a bit. The other week I drove off with the petrol cap off after filling it with petrol and only...
  8. Q


    do you ever feel anger towards your body. because im pissed. im mad im so tired and im mad that im not fun and i can't work or have sex more or eat what i want or get stupid drunk or climb mountains or try acid or get a whole tattoo sleeve or do everything ive wanted to do. i crave adventure and...
  9. P

    Hi, I'm Peg and I have fibromyalgia

    Hello all, I've been posting on the forum a bit the past couple months, but thought I should make a proper (if very long-winded) introduction. Hi, I'm Peggy, and I have Fibromyalgia and Celiac Disease. I'm in my early thirties and live in Toronto. I work in publishing. I knit a lot. I have a...
  10. P

    Fibro + Celiac + Time-o-the-Month = ARGH!!!

    Hi, Here to vent, obviously. I'm having a rough week. Just when I think "wow, this Cymbalta crap is actually helping", BAM here comes the pain. Was stuck at home on Friday, and again yesterday with the aches. On top of which I'm having bad period cramps this month (first since my diagnosis). On...