
  1. S

    Temperature sensitivity

    Hi, is it just me? I drive my husband nuts because the cold makes my knees hurt. Then as soon as it gets warm, I feel suffocated. It’s like I’m either freezing or needing air. I feel like the heat is hotter and cold is colder.
  2. A

    Recent diagnosis....sigh.

    Hi everyone, I'm glad to be here not because I'm glad about Fibro but because I'm glad I'm glad to have found a community. I'm 26 years old and have been struggling with pain issues and strange sensations for the last 6 years or so. I had c.difficile in 2012 which seems to have triggered these...
  3. Sagey

    Hot and Cold!

    Does everyone get cold one minute and then 5 minutes later they’re sweating? My temperature control is so undependable.It can be embarrassing at times.Ill be sitting with my friends talking and all of a sudden I feel my body start burning up. If I’m in my house I would be freezing and it’s not...
  4. I

    is it normal for fibro sufferers to have lots of symptoms?

    or do you notice only a few? i get dizzy and nauseous when walking or trying to exercise, swallowing difficulties, muscle and joint pain, restless arm and leg, headaches, brain fog, sleep issues, sensitive to noise, touch, temperature. and horrible feelings of dread. started duloxetine, hoping...
  5. U

    Supposedly Fibro, but perplexed about one thing...

    So after hurting and aching and moping around for years, my rheumatologist thinks I may have fibromyalgia. And it makes a certain amount of sense -- in my mid 30s I really shouldn't ache all over this much, a poke to basically every trigger point makes me jump out of my skin, and the list of...
  6. L

    Yoga as therapy

    Okay, so I've been doing yoga for a few weeks and here are some things I have learned. Hot yoga has a far greater effect than normal temperature yoga and I do both. However, I do light heat yoga. DO NOT DO BIKRAM. Unless you want to train up to it. It is usually 100 degrees and many people say...
  7. Tipnatee N

    Chilblains have anyone ever got it?

    I know it's the winter illness but with fibromyalgia I suddenly getting them during summer heat . I'm very puzzling by it. When I was living in New Zealand 20 years ago I was diagnosed with this symptom call Chilblain . Chilblain is a very painful burning itchy red swollen on fingers and toes...
  8. Sagey

    Interesting article on mind body connection

    The first component of mind body science is a molecule found on the surface of all our cells in our brains and our bodies. They are so small that millions cover a single nerve cell. This first component is called a receptor, and it is attached to a cell’s outer membrane. It lies exposed to the...
  9. Tipnatee N

    Hypohidrosis ( absent sweating) in fibromyalgia

    One of my symptom in fibro is hypohidrosis , I really can't sweat at all normally. The only time I sweat is during my night sweat caused by sleep anxiety and sleep disturbance. Or just a feeling of sweating because my hair pores are being force opening to release heat on top of my head while...
  10. D

    temperature issues?

    Hey guys! i've been wondering about this for a while now but have always thought i'd sound stupid to bring it up.. so never have. i've noticed that my body doesn't seem to regulate temperature very well. I'm always either hot or cold, sometimes both. It can be 70 degrees outside and i'll still...
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