
  1. P

    Body tremor/shaking - Fibro symptom or drug side-effect?

    Hi guys, Having a rough few days. Yesterday stuck at home, today managed to get to work but not doing great. Anyway, aside from the usual pain, I've been having increasingly bad shakiness/tremors in my left hand, which seems to be spreading up my arm and shoulder and today my neck/head has...
  2. Forgetmenot


    I've started driving lessons and after I feel so wiped out.i drive well,I'm on my dad's insurance,he has essential tremor,so I really need to pass my told my teacher but he seems more interested in talking about other stuff. That brings me to another problem.this man who teaches me is...
  3. H

    Someone who understands

    Hi! I want to communicate with someone who understands fibromyalgia and chronic illness. I have all the diseases that go along with it or are related to it, such as interstitial cystitis. I have been chronically ill for about twenty years. While I have accepted my limitations, one thing I really...
  4. H

    New user

    Hi! I am new to the forum. I have fibromyalgia and interstitial cystitis, migraines, endometriosis, essential tremor, asthma, allergies and Gastroparesis. I have been significantly sick for twenty years, and I am very thankful for my doctors and medicines and my family, but I guess I am looking...
  5. A

    Is this Fibromyalgia

    Hi All, I really appreciate all your time and comments. I have mentioned my symptoms below, please forgive my English, as I am not good at it. I am 31 yr old male. 1. Upper back pain and neck pain started around June 2015 with numbness in right hand little finger and right leg little finger...
  6. A

    Is it Fibro

    Oops posted in wrong window
  7. W

    Could my mystery illness be Fibromyalgia?

    WlkrdudeNew Member Hello everyone. I am new here! Please bare with me as this will be a long post, but hopefully you guys could enlighten me as to whether this prolonged mystery illness I have could in fact be Fibromyalgia. To begin I am a formerly healthy 30 year old man, 5'11'' and 150ish...
  8. J

    Nearly Everyone is Magnesium Deficient

    This is from a VERY interesting important article on mag deficiency: Personally I take upwards of 1000mg Mag Citrate, Malate, Glycinate separate and often mix them them. Split up doses which gets me about 1000mg per day. If one deals with LOOSE bowels, take less or to bowel tolerance...
  9. R

    I'm new to this site but I need some advice.....

    I am a 28 year old male who on 5/16/2014 packed out truck at work. I work for cvs. On 5/17/2014 I woke up with pins and needle in my right arm and fingers. It would constantly come and go until 5/23/2014, when again on truck day I felt my whole arm go numb. I rushed to the er who diagnosed me...
  10. T


    Whenever I get real cols or stressed my arms and legs start to twitch really bad.. I can't get it to stop for a while and it hurts for hours you can see the muscles moving.. Kind of like people with Parkinson's. but different I'm sure... Just not sure how to deal with it. Especially in public....