
  1. B

    Confused and blindsided husband

    I have posted before and would like to see what advise you would provide me. I have a full time job and we have been married for 36 years. I have been her care giver and happy to do so for the last 5 years. She is on many meds for Fibro pain and bipolar. Recently, she and I discussed our future...
  2. UhOhNedio

    Hallooooo everyone

    HI. :) Just found this site and yeaaaa, because I am having a hard time adjusting to being on the other side of this. I was an LMT for almost 12 years and I had many clients with Fibro so I know a fair amount about it. I have another layer sympathy for all those clients now that I have it...
  3. B

    Husband Day to Day

    New to the forum and wanted to reach out to those of you that could offer some guidance on care giving role I play. My wife of 35 years has battled Fibro for 7 years now. Background: I still work full time and have to travel out of town occasionally. She manages pain with Butrans patch and...
  4. L

    Diagnosed Today!!!

    hi everyone, Just got diagnosed today. Honestly always thought this was just a diagnoses doctors give when they dont know whats wrong! I have been a full time waitress for 38 years and just thought the pain was due to that. However the pain is so constant and fierce that I finally had to go...
  5. Y

    Flare-Ups & Work (Ranting)

    I have been having the start (or worsening of) a flare-up for the past three days. It seems like I am always in a flare-up since I was diagnosed a year ago. I work full time as a private security sergeant and go to school part-time. I have been trying for three days to get someone to cover my...
  6. E


    Hi, I don't come on here that often but i'm in need of some perspective. I have been having what I call a flare up and im scared. Its been ongoing for the last 2 weeks and usually I can snap out of it or fix myself but this time I feel like i've just gone numb. Nothing hurts, everything is...
  7. C

    Work Accommodation

    Have a job that requires me to sit, talk, and type all day. It can be very stressful at times. I’m in the processing of requesting a modification to my schedule because my two days off are not back to back and it requires me to work late. I have small children, so I still have to get up early...
  8. MorgueKitty


    Good day or evening, My name is Morgan (or Morg for short), and I am new to the site. I have been living with fibro symptoms for the last 15 years or so. I started noticing the symptoms when I was about 16. It started with random muscle and joint pain, and then went on to include migraines...
  9. S

    How can I support my hearing impaired mother when she is the one supporting me?

    Hello, I have myofascial pain syndrome and my mother takes care of my as a result of my disability. However, my mother is hearing impaired and losing more and more of her hearing. The sound quality that she hears is getting poorer and poorer as her auditory system continues to not work in a way...
  10. R

    Wondering about symptoms

    Hi folks - brand new here. I used to think fibro was just all severe pain all the time, but recently saw something about the other symptoms and how the level and type of pain varies per person, and it made me want to research some more. For the past couple of years (ever since a seriously...
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