Hi Felipe, thanks for all your infos!
I'd still be interested what temperature you had in your whole body cryotherapy... if you know and can remember...
Just listening to the Wim-Vice documentary in the background. I do think the guy is OK, but apart from that I just want to try out those suggestions or recommendations of people which I think may be in accord with my body. To see that I watched videos of people's experiences. The part in the documentary where people did it together reminded me of the "Sedona deaths" in a pseudo-sweat lodge. Of course Wim Hof does nothing like that. When he says 'anyone can do what I do' I use that as an encouragement, but I don't think it's true.
that Tummo meditation offered more relief for me, in particular. To anyone interested in pain reduction provided by mindfulness, I'm attaching that info via PDF.
Just read up on Tummo itself: Correct me: It's said to warm you up inside. Studies are rare. Their results have been spread in an exaggerated way. Tibetan monks started with it in the 11th century. Instructions are fairly unclear and varied. But simplified, you start with 15-20x controlled hyperventilation (not quite as strongly as Wim Hof?), imagining a fireball in the "empty vase" of your torso, which is kindled with every breath in and fanned with every breath out. Upon the last breath in, hold 5 secs and purse your lips breathing out and imagining the warmth spreading everywhere while breathing out, then holding as long as you wish. Repeat 2x or 4x like Wim. Sounds easy and similar.
In autogenic training you imagine warmth and heaviness (and/or lightness), I use the image of sun-rays moving up your body. Some people I do it with feel warmer.
I read the study(/-ies) about pain reduction by mindfulness. They divide techniques up into 2: Focused Attention and Open Monitoring. Focused Attention means concentrating on something like breath and letting other thought drift by and away. Open Monitoring means just watching all thoughts drift on. I learned both from Buddhists a few years as a youth, tried to practice them for 30' a day, as well as Autogenic Training, so I can do them OK. Since my back hurts very much thru long straight sitting on meditation stools or in half-lotus, it was/is torture for me, so I only do them lying down. Any position I hold for >10' became/becomes painful with my fibro. But I don't see any problem spicing up Wim's breath-holding with the inner fire.
Jon Kabat-Zinn was referred to in the article. I got his book and read thru it, but realized mindfulness stuff like this
My acupressurist developed my "inner cooking pot" last week, which has very much improved my inner temperature and ability to cope with the cold, like I used to be able to. My feet freezing more then, she's concentrated on that now, which has helped there too. Now I've also bought new organic woolen socks which keep my feet warmer than the old ones, so I only need one pair of cotton socks under them, instead of 3.
Oh, I'm actually envious of you! And several other fibro patients I've been talking to who have experience "only" pain;
Wait, wait, you are what?

Not sure what I've got to be envious about!

Pain and lots more in gut, skin, back, nerves, for 40+ years, plus focal seizures & more, 30+ diagnoses (incl. genetic hyperlipidemia and a probably harmless tumour in my spinal canal), 40+ docs & 60+ treatments in 1 year, struggling to work 1.5h. Experiencing 'only' pain?! Not sure if envy is the right word for all this.

And anyway - envy is a feeling which only creates suffering, ah I feel my Buddhist influences coming on...

I've learned (almost) never even to compare - you never know what life is like in the other's moccasins.
But you've given me something to think about: My main assets are probably my inner energy, determination and self-discipline, love of life and people, which have helped me find out a lot of things that are helping me, incl. mindfulness & having learned how to be happy despite pain, to live a good life. OTOH what I've had to learn most ist self-acceptance and self-care - it's hard when you feel no-one has accepted and cared for you much, esp. in childhood.
pain, which was an 11 on a 10-point scale back in 2018 - now it hovers around 3-4, depending on the day and whether I've exerted myself, which can make it considerably worse.
11 of 10, wow - that'd mean I'm dead twice over.

Seriously - you may have read sunkacola and me on the another thread this week: What would that've been in my scale where 7 means having to cry?
My trigger points have however gone way beyond that and since 2017 caused, among other symptoms: diarrhea, constipation, limited breathing, postural weakness, orthostatic postural tachycardia, migraines, fasciculations, tingling, heart palpitations, eye-sight troubles, muscle weakness, limited range of motion and the list goes on....
I've had all of this in the past, except seizures & trigeminus instead of migraines. In my case almost all was due to my back and muscle problems, meaning finding the best back exercises for me (pressing hollow back & wrists down) and doing 5-10' *every morning. Now having to sleep so long, I do 5' more before going to bed. Plus 5-30' yoga back exercises at daytime.
Trigger points are of course not really causes, but symptoms and culminating areas which osteopathy etc. can start off on. Whenever I looked for some on my own I found them all over, but before fibro went off my first osteopath didn't do much on them, altho she was good. My second one did, which helped get some of the pains down.
What are you doing with your trigger points? I would have thought a good osteopath can get them down quickly? Do you do normal trigger pointing or Jones technique?
"Bodo Kuklinski in Rostock? --> No, I've never heard of that dude - will definitely check him out! I do hate "guru" type doctors though.
Maybe it's just me...
fascinating book called "Life After Pain: Break Free of Chronic Pain and Get Your Life Back (English Edition)" by Dr. Jonathan Kuttner - it's full
I've read 3 pain-books now, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Peter (A.) Levine and Helga Pohl, plus looked at the pain specialists Liebscher-Bracht, and none of them helped me at all (L-B occasionally). What they say I've been doing already.
Have you tried out the Amygdala Reprogramming by Dr. Gupta? I'd started it some time ago, but didn't continue... maybe you did.
Didn't/don't like the look of it...
What therapy has helped/still helps you the most?
For fibro? Osteopathy first, then whole body cryotherapy (WBC) 4x/w for the pains, now TCM/acupressure after WBC 2x/w, plus Wim Hofs' breath-holding & cold showers & putting legs & arms up 2-3x/d, for pains, Ache and sleep. Yoga, hot water bottle and arnica cream (Traumeel) for pains, when necessary. Learning where my invisibly moving sweet spots are for each activity (often 3' for whole body activities like housework or cycling fast, and 20'' for a single exercise like yoga). And pinpointing, analyzing, searching for & finding remedies for absolutely every little symptom, tending to zero tolerance of any pain, trying not ever to wait. I try to no longer simply rest, only active rests (at least: legs straight up).
And what are the triggers that make it worse? For me, it's actively using the affected muscles in for example exercise.
That used to be the case, but I now usually know where the sweet spots are, i.e. know when to stop, even if it's 5'' on a certain day.
The big area where it's happening again is my daily outdoor table tennis. Before starting work, acupressure had brought me from 4 up to 6 games, even with stooping for the ball and without breaks. Now I get myofacial torso-pain or the Big Ache again after 4-5 games with stooping and with only a few breaks. So it's not single pains, not trigger points, but the whole body.
Also work itself, talking loudly thru a FFP2 mask for 40-60', even with several fresh air breaks in between. A really good mask helped better, but not alone, using a nose-strip under the mask worked better than without on one of 2 days, I think, so I'm going to try doing that every day from now on. In this case no myofascial pain, but strong Ache and feverishness (5 if 7 means having to cry).
Haven't told my acupressurist that clearly yet perhaps, because we were focusing on body temperature this week. Next issue.
Because otherwise I won't be able to work more. Only one more week with 60' of loud talking, then it's got to go up to at least 90' per day.
I could try to reduce the loud talking more, I'm thinking, too. A third of the time instead of half the time... or so...
I also want to get into the habit cold-showering &/or breath-holding directly after the table tennis instead of taking a break, and see if that helps.
BTW I'm using mindfulness in the cryotherapy, acupressure and now also during the cold-showering, reminding my body how great I will feel afterwards and how the pain is being washed away.
major meta analysis of high intensity laser therapy for chronic pain syndromes, in which its efficacy has been extensively demonstrated;
Hmm, well not quite that extensive: They're talking about - they say: only - 11 studies which were pretty different, so hard to compare. Usually neck and some back pain, not fibro. So "additional well-designed studies involving larger samples with long-term follow-up are needed to further assess each laser application, treatment region, and comparator. Since experiencing heavy & long-term adverse effects after trying hyaluronic acid injections in my lower back applied under CT, I am not keen at all on anything this new and praps risky... but
a case study with a long-term fibromyalgia patient who underwent EXTREMELY high-intensity laser therapy and recorded major relief in Texas. My dad got in touch with the institute where the case study was done and we were provided with the exact protocols being used and the message that this protocol has shown extremely effective for fibro patients. We are trying to find out more and contact the patients to hear about their current experiences. I'll make sure to post any updates in case someone is interested.
Not sure if I can follow on the "extremely effective" bit, I'd have to look at the new studies and a second opinion first to be sure. But I'm also very wary of a whole body cutting-edge treatment. I've found there's a lot more to be tried out than "standard pharmacotherapy and treatment in an interdisciplinary pain management program" as is said for this woman. What I do has also dramatically improved my fibro in a certain sense, despite still not being able to work. Also my rheum clinic report claimed that I'd come out of it slightly better than I went in, which was not true. But of course they will tend to say that, despite all attempts to be honest, because their living and reputation depends on this.
But gladly post updates, I am definitely interested, also because this treatment may provide clues for how fibro is caused, works & can similarly be treated.
Cheers, Felipe, keep us posted... and as I say I'd be glad for more details, like about your trigger points and sweet spots....