Hello Everyone,
First, I need to say that I am so very grateful to have found this site! I'm a 57 year old female from South Texas, US.
I have not been diagnosed, but my doctor suspects that I have Fibromyalgia. I had been experiencing migraines for years and in 2016, after my father's death, I had, what the neurologist at the ER explained was a TIA (a mini stroke). I was put on an aspirin regimen and medication for my blood pressure. I was referred to another neurologist, and after seeing two of them, was told I did not have a TIA but a very strong migraine. After a battery of tests, I was provided medication to help when I felt the smallest of the migraine symptoms, such as phantom smells, or odor auras. During this time, I began to experience things I never shared with doctors because I thought it was part of the TIA/Migraine. I would be walking, and my left leg would fall asleep and then get "tingles" as if it were "waking up". I often had to lean on the cart in a store because I was afraid of stumbling. I did fall in a line to vote because my leg fell asleep and was so embarrassed and mortified at the offer to call 911 for me.
I used to enjoy yoga or walking or shopping, but it became too painful. Everything wore me out. Everything became painful. I was told it was because of my weight. That if I lost weight, it would be better. If I lost weight, my blood pressure would come down. That if I lost weight, I would be healthier. While I am absolutely certain that this is true, I felt it was dismissive of my symptoms.
At the beginning of the pandemic, my company offered a work from home program. I was selected and so grateful. At work, I was sitting most of the day and unable to leave and walk around. When I did get up, it was as if my body would not "unfold" and was "frozen" from the hips down. At home, I was able to stand and work, but not for long, but it provided movement and relief.
In 2021, I started experiencing full body spasms. from my neck to my toes, mainly on the left side, but occasionally on the right. My limbs falling asleep became a daily event. Then multiple times a day. I went to my doctor's office for an appointment and the regular doctor was out that day, but a new doctor had joined the group. She was amazing! She explained that she believed a few things were going on. She took blood and urine samples as well as X-rays. She told me that I had spinal stenosis, an inflamed sciatic nerve as well as arthritis in my left hip, left knee and left ankle and foot. (arthritis due to broken bones from a fall in 2013). I had the beginning of arthritis in my right hip and ankle. However, when she pressed on my left collar bone, I crumpled into a chair. She said, "You are presenting like many of my fibro patients". She wanted to try Gabapentin 100 mg and Tizanidine 4 mg. The Gabapentin was increased to 300 mg at the next visit, and I was given a steroid shot. She also provided a script for Prednisone 10 mg. She said it helped many patients, however, it would cause weight gain. I didn't take this as I had been told I needed to lose weight by so many other physicians, so I was afraid. She wrote a script for a blue tag for my car, to help with parking. I felt guilty having it, so I never turned it in. The blood work didn't show markers for MS or RA. I have Rosacea, but she doesn't believe this is linked to Lupus.
The past seven months, since that visit, have been an escalation of symptoms. Some I believe from weather changes, some from stress. But whatever factors, it has made things very difficult. I live alone, my kids grown and on their own. It is hard for me to keep up with the house. I order groceries to be delivered. I do pick up orders at other stores but have to take my purchases inside in phases.
A few days ago, I found this forum and the test. I cried when I took it, because every question was as if it were a page out of my life. When it said that I had the scoring of a person diagnosed with Fibro, I cried even more. I've spent the past few days reading the posts on every thread. I cried tears of relief. I realized I wasn't going crazy. That while, yes, my weight wasn't helping, it wasn't the cause. That while I had arthritis in certain joints, it wasn't the source of the problems.
I have been using CBD edibles (half doses) along with the Gaba and Tiz (half dose). This seems to help when laying down and I do get at least six hours of sleep.
In January, I contracted Covid 19 and was very ill. I became dehydrated and cannot seem to get that back on track, no matter the IVs or fluids I intake. My skin in very dry, my hair loss (while it has always been a problem) has become more of a problem than ever before. Nausea and vomiting have become almost a weekly problem since January as well. The brain fog and depression prevent me from completing certain tasks. I try to overcome this with sunshine and fresh air as well as eating fresh fruits and vegetables. But lately, it seems as if the bad days are outnumbering the good ones.
I have noticed a pattern in the symptoms, the pain is pretty much always there, but manageable with ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Then I will have a flare up of Rosacea, then twinges of a headache/migraine, then rolling muscle spasms. These will all last about 4 - 6 days, then I will get relief and feel so strong. So, I take advantage of those days to get done what I can, and probably push too hard. I have noticed that if I keep socks on my feet, the pain there isn't as bad, and I can walk. I have used a CBD salve on my hips and have tried to put it on my feet, but unfortunately, my body doesn't let me bend certain ways anymore. I use sprays like BioFreeze and Icy Hot. Somedays I feel as if I should bathe in it!
I am seeing my doctor this week and will be taking the print-out of the test results with me. For so long, I thought all of the symptoms were related to weight issues. Or that I was making them up, or that I was losing my mind. Much like when I had a hysterectomy in the mid '90s due to endometriosis and uterine tumors.
I apologize for the lengthy post, but I am just so grateful to have found that I'm not alone.
The posts of others have helped me more than you know, or maybe you do. I feel as if all of the symptoms can be tied together.
The random pains, the muscles cramps and spasms, my arms, hands, legs and feet falling asleep, the sleeplessness, the forgetfulness, the hair loss, the GI issues, the exhaustion. All of it part of 1 thing and not so many separate issues.
Thank you again.
First, I need to say that I am so very grateful to have found this site! I'm a 57 year old female from South Texas, US.
I have not been diagnosed, but my doctor suspects that I have Fibromyalgia. I had been experiencing migraines for years and in 2016, after my father's death, I had, what the neurologist at the ER explained was a TIA (a mini stroke). I was put on an aspirin regimen and medication for my blood pressure. I was referred to another neurologist, and after seeing two of them, was told I did not have a TIA but a very strong migraine. After a battery of tests, I was provided medication to help when I felt the smallest of the migraine symptoms, such as phantom smells, or odor auras. During this time, I began to experience things I never shared with doctors because I thought it was part of the TIA/Migraine. I would be walking, and my left leg would fall asleep and then get "tingles" as if it were "waking up". I often had to lean on the cart in a store because I was afraid of stumbling. I did fall in a line to vote because my leg fell asleep and was so embarrassed and mortified at the offer to call 911 for me.
I used to enjoy yoga or walking or shopping, but it became too painful. Everything wore me out. Everything became painful. I was told it was because of my weight. That if I lost weight, it would be better. If I lost weight, my blood pressure would come down. That if I lost weight, I would be healthier. While I am absolutely certain that this is true, I felt it was dismissive of my symptoms.
At the beginning of the pandemic, my company offered a work from home program. I was selected and so grateful. At work, I was sitting most of the day and unable to leave and walk around. When I did get up, it was as if my body would not "unfold" and was "frozen" from the hips down. At home, I was able to stand and work, but not for long, but it provided movement and relief.
In 2021, I started experiencing full body spasms. from my neck to my toes, mainly on the left side, but occasionally on the right. My limbs falling asleep became a daily event. Then multiple times a day. I went to my doctor's office for an appointment and the regular doctor was out that day, but a new doctor had joined the group. She was amazing! She explained that she believed a few things were going on. She took blood and urine samples as well as X-rays. She told me that I had spinal stenosis, an inflamed sciatic nerve as well as arthritis in my left hip, left knee and left ankle and foot. (arthritis due to broken bones from a fall in 2013). I had the beginning of arthritis in my right hip and ankle. However, when she pressed on my left collar bone, I crumpled into a chair. She said, "You are presenting like many of my fibro patients". She wanted to try Gabapentin 100 mg and Tizanidine 4 mg. The Gabapentin was increased to 300 mg at the next visit, and I was given a steroid shot. She also provided a script for Prednisone 10 mg. She said it helped many patients, however, it would cause weight gain. I didn't take this as I had been told I needed to lose weight by so many other physicians, so I was afraid. She wrote a script for a blue tag for my car, to help with parking. I felt guilty having it, so I never turned it in. The blood work didn't show markers for MS or RA. I have Rosacea, but she doesn't believe this is linked to Lupus.
The past seven months, since that visit, have been an escalation of symptoms. Some I believe from weather changes, some from stress. But whatever factors, it has made things very difficult. I live alone, my kids grown and on their own. It is hard for me to keep up with the house. I order groceries to be delivered. I do pick up orders at other stores but have to take my purchases inside in phases.
A few days ago, I found this forum and the test. I cried when I took it, because every question was as if it were a page out of my life. When it said that I had the scoring of a person diagnosed with Fibro, I cried even more. I've spent the past few days reading the posts on every thread. I cried tears of relief. I realized I wasn't going crazy. That while, yes, my weight wasn't helping, it wasn't the cause. That while I had arthritis in certain joints, it wasn't the source of the problems.
I have been using CBD edibles (half doses) along with the Gaba and Tiz (half dose). This seems to help when laying down and I do get at least six hours of sleep.
In January, I contracted Covid 19 and was very ill. I became dehydrated and cannot seem to get that back on track, no matter the IVs or fluids I intake. My skin in very dry, my hair loss (while it has always been a problem) has become more of a problem than ever before. Nausea and vomiting have become almost a weekly problem since January as well. The brain fog and depression prevent me from completing certain tasks. I try to overcome this with sunshine and fresh air as well as eating fresh fruits and vegetables. But lately, it seems as if the bad days are outnumbering the good ones.
I have noticed a pattern in the symptoms, the pain is pretty much always there, but manageable with ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Then I will have a flare up of Rosacea, then twinges of a headache/migraine, then rolling muscle spasms. These will all last about 4 - 6 days, then I will get relief and feel so strong. So, I take advantage of those days to get done what I can, and probably push too hard. I have noticed that if I keep socks on my feet, the pain there isn't as bad, and I can walk. I have used a CBD salve on my hips and have tried to put it on my feet, but unfortunately, my body doesn't let me bend certain ways anymore. I use sprays like BioFreeze and Icy Hot. Somedays I feel as if I should bathe in it!
I am seeing my doctor this week and will be taking the print-out of the test results with me. For so long, I thought all of the symptoms were related to weight issues. Or that I was making them up, or that I was losing my mind. Much like when I had a hysterectomy in the mid '90s due to endometriosis and uterine tumors.
I apologize for the lengthy post, but I am just so grateful to have found that I'm not alone.
The posts of others have helped me more than you know, or maybe you do. I feel as if all of the symptoms can be tied together.
The random pains, the muscles cramps and spasms, my arms, hands, legs and feet falling asleep, the sleeplessness, the forgetfulness, the hair loss, the GI issues, the exhaustion. All of it part of 1 thing and not so many separate issues.
Thank you again.