
  1. D

    fibromyalgia, MS or ALS?

    Hello, I have become beyond frustrated lately. My symptoms started in November with pain that started in the palm of my hand, following day my arm, than legs. It lasted 4 days, I saw a massage therapist and I was better, no more symptoms. January 5th same pattern only this time lasted 17 days...
  2. C

    Having some symptoms, looking for opinions

    Hi. I would like to give you a history of what I have experienced over the past year and 2 months. (previously healthy, no medical conditions what so ever) April 22 2012. I went to emerg because I was experiencing dizziness and my upper arms and upper legs were tingling. Multiple tests were done...
  3. G

    Mom is having pain ...

    My mom fell in Feb 2011, it was a controlled fall as my cousin was with her. She has had pain in the bottom of her buttocks, top of thigh off and on since. Now she has been saying that her hips and tailbone have been aching. She has fallen 2x in the past month so i didnt know if maybe that has...
  4. G

    Does Fibromyalgia have any relation or commonalities with ALS?

    Please explain whether ALS can mimic Fibromyalgia? I'm just wondering and hoping to gain insight. I know before my husband was diagnosed with ALS he wondered if he had Fibromyalgia. Also, I've read that ALS patients usually don't have pain, but he does have neck, shoulder, back. He even had...
  5. G

    Fibromyalgia or ALS?

    trfogey has given you very good answers. He HAS ALS--he knows what he's talking about. Please--for your sake--stay with your GP and let them figure out what is going on. ALS just wouldn't take years. Just because you 'read' it doesn't make it so. People can come and post anything on the...
  6. G

    What is going on?

    My symptoms started December '08, when I awoke to having my arm going completely numb, blurred vision, and a drunk-like feeling while speaking. It went away in a matter of minutes. I went to the hospital to make sure that I didn't have a stroke. Then over the course of the next 5 months, my...
  7. G

    Alone and lost

    Let me begin by apologizing. My thoughts have a tendency to jump all over, making it difficult to follow my thought patterns. Please be patient with me. I'm a 44 yr old single mother of 2 wonderful young men aged 23 and 18, both live at home with me. I stopped working almost 4 years ago, and...
  8. G

    Scared Help Please!

    Ok. Here is my story. I came here last year scared and concerned about widespread twitching. I went to the neuro in July 2010 and I had 3 visits with him from July to September. He only did an EMG of my arms at this time. I have always had pulse twitching. Meaning heart beat twitching. It...
  9. G

    face pain / balance -- als, fibromyalgia?

    Hi All, I have a question regarding one (of many) of the symptoms I am currently experiencing. I have had a nearly constant tightness/light pain on the right side of my face/top of head for 3 months now. It has been accompanied by a slight loss of balance to that side as well. The...
  10. G

    Would I notice a HUGE difference in a year?

    Hi, I hope someone can jump in here & give me a lil advise. Last year, Out of nowhere, I basically woke up with widespread muscle pain. I had muscle pain throughout my body. In ALL my limbs. Upper AND lower arms Legs, thighs. My joints hurt too, although it may be the muscles not the actual...