Mom is having pain ...

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My mom fell in Feb 2011, it was a controlled fall as my cousin was with her. She has had pain in the bottom of her buttocks, top of thigh off and on since. Now she has been saying that her hips and tailbone have been aching. She has fallen 2x in the past month so i didnt know if maybe that has caused the pain in her tailbone. Are these aches and pains common w/ ALS? Thanks for your help!
did she go to the doctor after her falls? is it possible that she fractured her hip?
pain usually isnt a first symptom, but does happen later in the disease process. Please give more info. what condintion is your Mom in?.
Anyone that falls then has pain should be checked to be sure there are no fractures--and any radiating pain could signal a disc rupture. If she's fallen twice in a month--does she have a walker or a wheelchair available?
Some PALS have pain, but my mom never did unless we didn't do her range of motion exercises. I'd get her checked out by a doctor.
From someone with chronic hip issues, you're describing hip injury and she really should get checked out.
always always after a fall, she should get checked, x=rayed. ALS part of the problem is frail bones thats why you don't want the PALS to fall. Does she have AFO's for her feet to prevent the foot drop and does she use a walker, if she is doing this much falling its terribly important to get the items in place before they are needed, in this case I don't know her history, if she doesn't have a mobile chair one needs to be ordered it can take months to get it, in the meantime check with your local mda or alsa for a transport chair to borrow, and perhaps a mobile chair if she is that advanced.
Same as for the speech device do not wait until she can not talk to get somethng going on it, because it takes too long to get the items. Same as for a hoyer lift, u may not use the houer but you want it there.
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