
  1. F

    26 with fibro

    Hi everyone :smile: I'm Tony, a 26 year old female. I'm not sure when my Fibromyalgia started but I was diagnosed by the start of 2017. I think it's been 8 years (I had wrist pain that spread to my shoulder and neck now all over my body). I'm angry about it one day, and a fighter in another...
  2. M

    Another Newbie!

    Hi everyone, So after years of living with constant pain, I have finally been diagnosed with fibro. Or rather, I was diagnosed a few months back but now it's starting to get real so it's time to climb out of denial. Which is not just a river in Egypt. Haha. I guess I'm looking to connect with...
  3. S

    so annoyed

    Once I went on the antidepressant medication last summer I found I could cut down on the pain meds a bit, going from 3x day to 2x day on most days. So last appointment I told the Dr. I could just get a scrip for 2xday. I had a few left over that time, because I had cut down, so did not fill...
  4. vickythecat

    How to be a smart patient

    Hi, These past few weeks, with the acute serious illness of my mom, I was once again reminded of how important it is to be a smart patient. Before I start, I need to emphasize that I have full respect for doctors. This is not about 'dissing' them, or disregarding them. It is about the fact...
  5. P

    Diagnosed after many years

    I am so happy to discover a place to talk about this terrible malady with people who know how I feel. Thank you for accepting me. I have been seeing the same doctor, a general practitioner, since 2011. I have basically complained of the same symptoms all these years. After my quarterly visit...
  6. Tipnatee N

    There's a fibromyalgia Hater video online

    I pray and beg they will take it down!! Please help me vote this video off utube please!! cause I'm so angry right now I suddenly lost my voice again after I saw it, and I just got them back. I can't believe it how can this video still be up and running??? Help help me vote please!! You can...
  7. vickythecat

    it's too much, just too much....

    I will use this post as therapy...I just have to because I have no other option. 5 weeks ago 2 newly born kittens were left in front of our building. People see that we take care of stray animals, and decide that taking away babies from their mothers and bringing them us is a good idea. (It is...
  8. VanGogh


    Hmm, we can't reach this page. Try this Make sure you’ve got the right web address: Help with Fibromyalgia | Forum and Support Group Refresh the page Search for what you want This is not exactly what I was seeing but what I was seeing and copied is not what is here now. In other words I've been...
  9. Q


    do you ever feel anger towards your body. because im pissed. im mad im so tired and im mad that im not fun and i can't work or have sex more or eat what i want or get stupid drunk or climb mountains or try acid or get a whole tattoo sleeve or do everything ive wanted to do. i crave adventure and...
  10. Tipnatee N

    Feeling twice older than my age

    Why does fibromyalgia make me feel so old? I mean not just in the physical sense but more like mentally sense. I want to stay young since I'm pushing 40, but I can't get excited with anything politics anymore , I feels tired and annoyed watching people go on and about every thing so negatively...
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