
  1. 1sweed

    How To Manage On A Tight Budget With Fibro

    I have always struggled with this issue as lots of times I had to make a choice between eating healthy or going to the doctor or buying medication. With any health plan this is always going to be tough for those of us that live on a very small income. My disability income is less than $500 a...
  2. L

    Happy thread!

    I know just about everyone here has at some point probably had issues with a doctor so this should be kind of relateable and amusing at the same time. So back in the day I ended up becoming unable to deal with my bipolar and tried to off myself. Again. So I ended up at this place that I was...
  3. M

    Easy resolution

    So hear ye hear ye! Tis time to give ones self a huge break from the worlds exspectation, let alone your own family members. One may say " Well its about time. " Or, to what privalege does one induldge in such wealth of positive information?? lol lol . ... So hear is my wonderful news. Guess...
  4. D

    New to Forum and Diagnosis

    Hi! I actually joined the forum over a month ago. I thought it was about time to say hi and thank everyone for the posts and info I have gotten from here. It is so much better to hear it from people that are experiencing it. Some of my symptoms have been brushed over because they didn't...
  5. Q

    How to work?

    I have fibromyalgia along with chronic migraines. this makes trying to work pretty frusterating, i dropped out of highschool because the severity of my symptoms and going undiagnosed. i have no idea how to get a less physically demanding job. i work at a royal farms (regional convient...
  6. S

    The Depression Letter

    Reading the Fibromyalgia letters made me think I should write one like it, only talking about Depression. So I just now did. And here it is: I have spent more of my life depressed than I have spent being not depressed. Most people don't think that is possible, but believe me, it is. Many people...
  7. Aurelia

    I Am In A Lot Of Pain And Need Help

    Hi everyone, I'm new and from Australia. I am so glad that I just found this forum. :) A friend recommended looking up Fibromyalgia when I was discussing the symptoms of my ongoing illness and pain on my Facebook. I post there to try and cope with what I'm going through and my online friends...
  8. P

    Doc...Give my pain a purpose

    I just wanted to let this out: My doctor needs to go back to school. What's up with all of these Old School, old mindset and proud doctors who wont listen to us. Trust me, I have better things to do with my time than lay around the house in excruciating pain, forgetting my thoughts before they...
  9. H

    Need to vent about...everything

    I have been handling my fibromyalgia diagnosis for about 3 months, along with the degenerative disc disease diagnosis that I received at the same time, pretty well. In September, I suddenly lost use of my left leg for unknown reasons. The best guess anyone gave for this happening was a nerve...
  10. M

    Frustration with Doctors

    I just saw my GP for a follow-up, because the amitriptyline I was taking was not helping my pain or fatigue at all. She repeatedly questioned "my mood" and I'm so damn sick of her insinuating that this is all caused by depression. When I'm having a good day/days my mood is perfectly fine. When...
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