
  1. S

    Any suggestions to relieve the burning sensations?

    Hi everyone. Every time I wake up the sensation of my feet burning starts to escalate to a very painful level. I also notice my body starts to shake at the same time. Does this happen to anyone else? It’s almost as if becoming ‘conscious’ awakens everything & it rises to a peak. Are there any...
  2. J

    Do you feel pain pain every second every day??

    Questions about pain? (Im Swedish so sorry about possible spelling errors.) Hello! Im am a guy, 40 years old, and i am going to a doctor to see if i have fibro in a few weeks. I want to ask all of you who are diagnosed a few questions. When you get examed. One of the questions the doctor...
  3. R

    Possibly Fibro?

    I have been going to a doctor for a few years trying to get a diagnosis. In the last two years we have discussed the following: Quick, stabbing pains or lingering pains in random areas of the body Tingling, numbness or burning sensation in extremities, skin feeling tight...
  4. R

    Random Paresthesia pain like Electric shock, burning sensation and Pins.

    On 23rd June, I woke up with a pain in my right hand palm which felt different compared to all the pain I experienced before. It doesn't looked like some bone pain or pain after cramp. It felt like the pain was coming from inside the body and to be precise it felt like it was coming from Nerve...
  5. A

    New to thread: Skin burning symptoms

    Hello, I’m new to this forum & would first of all like to say hi. My mother was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about 10 years ago & in the past 3 years she has experienced a severe burning sensation on her body but mainly in her feet & legs, which stops her from sleeping as it’s so intense. She...
  6. B

    Undiagnosed with Variety of Symptoms

    Hi everyone, I’m a 32 year old male and have been dealing with various symptoms since September 2017 that I can’t seem to get a firm answer. I first started having an aching pain in my left chest in September 2017. I went to the ER and had bloodwork run, an EKG, and chest x-ray that all came...
  7. Sagey

    Hot and Cold!

    Does everyone get cold one minute and then 5 minutes later they’re sweating? My temperature control is so undependable.It can be embarrassing at times.Ill be sitting with my friends talking and all of a sudden I feel my body start burning up. If I’m in my house I would be freezing and it’s not...
  8. V

    I was told I have fibro, but what's happening now has me at a loss

    Hello, all. First and foremost, I would like to say I am struggling to type this due to the amount of pain I am in at the moment. I guess I should start at the beginning. I am a 22 year old female and I was diagnosed when I was 19. However, I had symptoms a couple years prior to that. I had...
  9. C

    Having a flare & can’t think straight

    I’m having a flare in my left side upper back/neck. It’s like a burning pain and I can’t get comfortable. I didn’t sleep at all last night. I feel panicky and hopeless and i don’t know how to resolve it. I’ve used dry heat and moist heat. I’ve taken Valium and tramadol (not at the same time)...
  10. cosmicbiscuit

    Road to proper diagnosis: I suspect it's fibromyalgia

    Hello to all forum members. I'm glad this community exists to help people that have been diagnosed and also the ones like me seeking for a proper diagnosis. Thanks for spending time trying to help others and sharing tips or just listening. I'll try to keep my case simple. I've had chronic...
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