
  1. J

    My Trial of Low Dose Naltrexone LD N for my fibro, "ME/CFS", MCAS and post vac Long Covid

    Instead of bits'n'bobs in passing, a separate diary-like thread, like @JamieMarc's guaifenesin one. (Meandering off here is no problem for me.) LD N has surprised me by being the one thing that's made the most sustainable improvement to my conditions. After and besides 100s of others that I...
  2. C


    Hi, I have recently joined this forum as I was diagnosed 2 years ago with ME and FM. I am the ripe old age of 20 and have been struggiling with the symptoms for most of my life. I am writing this thread in hope of finding some new things to try out that may help with my symptoms. So my symptoms...
  3. K

    New to this forum not new to FM/CFS/ME

    Hi, I have had the problems listed since I inherited it from my Mother. At 81 yrs. of age I have been through most of all the terrible things we live thru. My reason for posting is Fibro Fog & Brain Fog (CFS). In Jan. 2017 my left leg buckled & I fell ending up in the hospital. They did an...
  4. C

    Weird Muscle Weakness with CFS?

    Hi All- I’ve been having a strange symptom lately and wondered if any of you could tell me if this is a familiar thing with your CFS. About two months ago, started waking up in the mornings feeling my legs were weak and shaky on the inside...nothing I could physically feel outside. It would...
  5. R

    Everything feels SO LOUD!

    Does anyone else have an issue with things feeling way too loud? I work as an engineer in a manufacturing facility and whenever they open/close the large bay doors it feels like my ear drums are going to vibrate to the point of imploding. For a while, I thought that my sensitive hearing was due...
  6. R

    Hello! I'm Rhi and I have Fibro/CFS and diabetes.

    For years, my previous doctor told me that I was exhausted and in pain because I had sleep apnea even though I never once snored or stopped breathing in my sleep. He told me I was overweight and all my pain was because I was too fat. (I don't disagree that my weight was an issue, however at this...
  7. S

    greetings from MI by the lake

    I have been diagnosed with CFS butI think my symptoms corrolate more with fibro myself. I have also been diagnosed with central pain syndrome and diabetic neuropathy. I have been suffering in pain since my thirties, and I am fifty four now. I had spinal stenosis diagnosed about eight years ago...
  8. E

    looking for help...

    Hi everyone, I have decided to join a forum to find like minded people to help and support. I was diagnosed with CFS in 2012 and Fibro in 2017 but I starting to run out of stamina to keep pushing forward. I am mainly hoping someone has some kind of magic that can help me keep working and keep...
  9. D

    Family/friends reaction to fibro/cfs

    How do any of you feel when/if you are told or treated in subtle ways like you basically are over reacting...exaggerating....don't try hard enough....are letting your loved ones down when you are always pushing and doing your best. Or told in a critical tone you talk about your condition too...
  10. H

    Hi there. I'm new here. Just need to talk.

    Hi there, I've had fibro & CFS for 6 years now. Have made slow but good progress, but still can't work outside the house. I'd be happy to share with anybody some of the meds & therapies that have been helpful for me, just ask. But also I just need to talk to someone who understands. Sometimes...
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