
  1. O

    Struggling to finish school, any advice?

    I’m trying so hard to graduate and get my degree (undergrad BA) but my pain and I just don’t work well with the expected college student life. I struggle to get to campus every day and sit in their uncomfortable little chairs and work at my computer for hours. I’m too tired out from being at...
  2. L

    Diagnosed Today!!!

    hi everyone, Just got diagnosed today. Honestly always thought this was just a diagnoses doctors give when they dont know whats wrong! I have been a full time waitress for 38 years and just thought the pain was due to that. However the pain is so constant and fierce that I finally had to go...
  3. B


    Hey! I'm a newbie here, and very glad I found this forum. I was diagnosed with fibro late last year by my psychiatrist, after being refused by rheumatology in two different provinces. I currently take Lyrica and am doing well with it, and plan on starting CBD oil when cannabis becomes legal in...
  4. T

    24 y/o male with fibromyalgia-related symptoms.

    I am a 24 year old male from the United States and I am in the process of being diagnosed/treated for something that has been described to me (by doctors) as fibromyalgia related. For most of my life, I have had mild anxiety and depression and was most recently diagnosed with GAD. When I was...
  5. K

    New to forum. Fibro sucks.

    I am in my 40's. I was diagnosed a year and a half ago, after 5 years of misdiagnosis and doctors thinking i'm crazy. I had gone through extensive testing for Lyme, Lupus and MS. And doctors telling me I was depressed and that's why I felt the way I felt. I thought I WAS going crazy. My life was...
  6. M

    Fatigue so bad it's painful

    I'm having quite a long bout of fatigue this time around. Even though being recently diagnosed, I've been dealing with this for years. It feels so great to have a long run of energy that I almost forget I'm sick. Until either the pain or crippling fatigue catches up to me. I can deal with the...
  7. S

    greetings from MI by the lake

    I have been diagnosed with CFS butI think my symptoms corrolate more with fibro myself. I have also been diagnosed with central pain syndrome and diabetic neuropathy. I have been suffering in pain since my thirties, and I am fifty four now. I had spinal stenosis diagnosed about eight years ago...
  8. S

    trigger points

    i meet all the requirments but the tender points. The dr has on my report chronic fatigue but I just took the test on here and scored low on that and high on fibro. I had a medtsop dr say I have fibro and Ive said I had fibro for years. Ive also been diagnosed with central pain syndrome, but...
  9. F

    26 with fibro

    Hi everyone :smile: I'm Tony, a 26 year old female. I'm not sure when my Fibromyalgia started but I was diagnosed by the start of 2017. I think it's been 8 years (I had wrist pain that spread to my shoulder and neck now all over my body). I'm angry about it one day, and a fighter in another...
  10. N

    Musings on Fibro - Mindset, Bodyset ?

    I have been watching a lot of uTube on fibro. Interesting stuff. I mean, hey, I feel like crap so I'm sitting around right ? I mostly watch stuff presented by doctors, medical specialists. There are some theories that our biggest problem is serotonin reception and/or dopamine receptors. I don't...
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