
  1. Scrappin4Spoons

    Pain levels during viruses EASING?? Anyone?

    Happy Saturday everyone 😊 I am just now getting over a pretty nasty head cold, in which I noticed that the finger joint and toe joint pain that had been absolutely plaguing me the last month or so, was miraculously gone! .... Unfortunately since my cold finally started getting better, the...
  2. S

    Good article on chronic pain

    There is an excellent article in the New York Times Magazine Sunday Jan. 19 2025 on chronic pain and the latest studies being done and advancements in treatments. I know not everyone has access to that magazine, but if you do it is well worth reading this article.
  3. bbbarnard

    Sometimes My Pain Seems to Come on Quickly, but this is Sometimes False

    Fibromyalgia Pain Coming on Quickly I have hurt so much, for so long, and have tried to keep on living that sometimes I feel like a pain has come on quickly. But, in reality, I’ve been hurting for hours, and I’m so used to hurting that I suddenly realize that the pain has increased to a point...
  4. JamieMarc

    Has anyone has success with magnesium oil for pain?

    I've ordered a magnesium oil spray that I want to try out for pain relief. I read some posts about people who have used magnesium oil with success for RLS, but frankly there were too many posts and comments for me to go through scanning for relief from pain from FMS. I'd love to hear from...
  5. S

    Questioning my ability to judge pain levels

    There probably isnt an answer to this, but in the past few weeks I am almost starting to think I cant possibly be in the constant state of pain, and also of my feelings of the depth of pain. When I speak with any medical professional I tell them the truth - I am in constant pain, 24hrs no let...
  6. D

    Pain meds and fibromyalgia

    Recently got diagnosed with bulging disc in my lower back. The pain meds don't work for it,So I had an injection done this past Friday. Not sure if it worked yet since it hasn't had time to work,but so far the pain seems worse. What's the best way to approach the pain management dr about this...
  7. Mr Bee

    Starch and sugar. The bodies evil combo.

    I find this pair together causes more issues than the amount of cooked dinners I’ve eaten in my lifetime. Swelling, pain that can be off the scale. Troubles in getting it out of your system. It’s like it boils over in your stomach causing far too much acid to be produced and turns into a lump...
  8. 30 plus years

    Effective pain med on horizon?

    Has anyone been reading about a new drug called suzetrigine, which supposedly is nonaddictive and blocks pain signals before they reach the brain?
  9. M

    Visual Disturbance and Head Pain

    Good morning, everyone; I hope you had a restful night. I'm feeling alone in sorting out my symptoms, although I do have a referral to an eye doctor, which is sending my anxiety soaring through the roof. I continue to have the head pain, which fluctuates in intensity and is intermttent, not...
  10. J

    Deep inward pain

    I believe I have fibro, but I don’t have sharp shooting pains or pins and needles pain. My pain is best described as a deep inward malaise, as if I were literally submerged in a black, bottomless pool of desperate cellular despair, a Niagara waterfall of razor sharp peril and ugliness, along...