
  1. B

    I would rather be in PAIN then lose my BRAIN!

    hi im new I was diagnosed with severe ADHD at the age of 5 and at the age of 26 I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. I am now 33 and my ADHD symptoms just keep getting worse! So I am here to vent and try to not feel so all alone and maybe learn some things. The reason for my title is because I...
  2. E


    Hi, just been diagnosed recently and wanted to interact with others who suffer!
  3. trayne91

    Here we go again...

    So, I moved and now i had to see new doctors all over, again. I did print my health summaries and brought my test results. I gave doctors my worst systems. The last 2 weeks I had been severely lightheaded so that I could not stand up or barley walk. Got dizzy with it, too. Seems to be...
  4. J

    suffering for long time diagnosed recently

    I just wanted to say hello to everyone and introduce myself along with a little background in how I came hear. i have psoriatic arthritis for apx 10 years and have been recently diagnosed with fibromyalgia last year I have been on lots of different medication and none have helped or they have...
  5. L

    New member :) -one sided pain

    Hi all I have been following with forum for months while in limbo land- and I can't tell you how much your words of wisdom have helped me through those bad days. I'm age 27 living in the uk and have been under multiple mris brain neck and spine with and without contrast twice over visual...
  6. S

    New and trying support.

    Hello, I'm obviously new here and a little lost but not as lost as I was. I've been dealing with intense chronic pain since July last year. I've been through x-rays, CTs and MRIs over my back and head to rule out disc problems, fractures, tumors, and MS. I've had a nerve and muscle study done...
  7. T


    I'm new to this site and just wanted to say hello. I have had my diagnosis given to me a few days ago, I'm struggling a bit with my own feelings about it. It's nice to know there is somewhere I can come to and see other peoples experiences. Gentle hugs to you all Sonja xx
  8. D

    New to forum

    Hello all. My name is Debbie and I have had fibro since my early 20's, was diagnosed at 30 and have had it for 30 years. I quickly realized, way back when, that there was a big stigma associated with it, so I stopped telling doctors, or anyone I even had it. I just dealt with it. I worked for...
  9. N

    New to group

    I just wanted to say "hello". I am newly diagnosed. I am curious about the treatment plans others are following? Just not sure how to deal with all this pain.
  10. M

    New Information Fibro patient wanted for medical research

    Summer Research is looking for people wanting to be available for new meds to help Fibromyalgia. So anyone interested call 206 292 2273. When I called the person on the other end of the phone abruptly started to ask me personal info, I politely excused myself and asked him these questions, if I...