
  1. P

    Women: vulvodynia relief

    Many of us FMS women suffer from vulvodynia ... pain, itching, etc. in genitals. I've just learned using WHITE, BLEACHED toilet paper and tissues just adds to the problem. I've been diagnosed for over 30 years; here's the first real relief I've found: I now use UNBLEACHED BAMBOO toilet paper...
  2. M

    After 30 years of Fibro, I am finally feeling Human again.

    This is my first post. I just have to tell someone how to get better. I was diagnosed back in 1991, when the term was relatively new. I managed to limp through work using FMLA until 2000 til I was almost ready to die.(2 of those years I was on leave for clinical depression) I did not start...
  3. vickythecat

    Remarks from doctors - that hurt real bad

    Hi, After many years of living as a recluse, I finally started going to doctors and getting referrals to see specialists. From the 1st doctor I went to; while in a full blast panic attack, these are the remarks she made; - "you should start working" (yeah because I finished an ivy league...
  4. C

    Health writer - Seeking women living with fibromyalgia

    I am a health writer and woman living with fibromyalgia. I am creating a website to help other women living with fibromyalgia and am looking for feedback on the content. If you are interested in providing me with your thoughts and comments on newsletters, articles and chapters of new e-books...
  5. vickythecat

    Preparing for OB-GYN visit, advice needed

    Hi, I have not been to the ob-gyn in more than 6 years. Before that I had not been to one in 10 years! I've been through a number of different trauma's involving that part of my body, and going to the ob-gyn is something I've simply avoided, mostly due to the anxiety. I guess it is also easy...
  6. vickythecat

    Raising Awareness and Taking Action

    Hi, Aren't we all frustrated how time and time again doctors have not taken us seriously? Or how fibromyalgia is not considered serious enough for certain benefits, social help, disability payments, referrals to occupational/physical therapists etc? Or how people around us just see this outer...
  7. Sagey

    Benefits of Probiotics!

    Hi, I was reading about the benefits of probiotics and even my Gastroenterologist recommended them.I started them once again because I was in a flare for about 3 weeks with extreme nausea and digestive issues. I happen to find a brand in Rite aid that was $18.00 and contained Vit d and also...
  8. VanGogh

    Elusiveness of it all....

    I read this on Women's Health Although the causes of fibromyalgia are not known, several factors may be involved in its development; these include traumatic events or accidents, repetitive injuries, illness, and certain diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and spinal arthritis). The...
  9. VanGogh

    New and searching for info....

    My massage therapist was the first to mention the possibility that Fibro may be what is causing my pain and tightness in my muscles. Ironically, I went to massage school some years ago and we were schooled a little about "WOMEN" with Fibro. One of the male instructors went so far to say that...
  10. vickythecat

    let's list our embarrassing complaints

    Hi, I thought maybe it is time for us all to share our embarrassing complaints, mostly to know that we often actually all suffer from the same. It can be fibro-related or not, more or less embarrassing/serious, but let me start off with my list; - vaginal flatulence - I don't know why I suffer...
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