Elusiveness of it all....

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Active member
Jun 15, 2017
I read this on Women's Health

Although the causes of fibromyalgia are not known, several factors may be involved in its development; these include traumatic events or accidents, repetitive injuries, illness, and certain diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and spinal arthritis). The disorder, however, can occur spontaneously, meaning there is no direct cause or trigger. It is also thought that a gene or genes may be involved in fibromyalgia.

Several things jump out at me but to include "spinal arthritis" made me realize that it must not be taken very seriously if all of my doctors have ignored all of the details that I tell them about every time I'm in their office and focus only on what they can see.

Figure in to this SNAFU that I'm male and I think that results in Fibro not being considered seriously. Oddly enough, several years ago I was worked up for Lupus. I was even on the Dr Oz show about Men with typically women's disease's. Not that I got to speak; I was just there to fill a section of the audience of men only.

Now it seems so easy for everyone to simply say: " It may be 6 months before you will see a Rheumatologist.

Life goes on Obla di obla da......
As rude and as egocentric as Dr. House is on the TV show, I wish there were more doctors out there like him - not accepting norms, always and always thinking outside the box.

I know statistics say this or that - some illnesses are suffered by women more than men statistically, but we all can agree on this forum that any doctor should seriously consider that the patient in front of them might be that 5-10-15% in any shape or form. I never understood why most doctors do not do the elimination method - it is what I would do if I had a patient who kept coming to me with complaints. Work down the list, try different meds, look into research and case studies etc.

I am really sorry you have to go through this. Being diagnosed with fibro has been a long and tiring road for almost all of us here, but as a male not being taken seriously must've been even worse. I believe doing research and being an informative, intelligent patient is very important. (just like you seem to be doing). In the meantime, focus on your own well-being and not a diagnosis. We have to be strong both mentally and physically to fight any chronic illness. So you can start doing that, while you wait to see a specialist. I hope that it doesn't take you all that long to finally have a diagnosis, whatever you may have.
Hi Vangough,

Welcome to the forum.Im sorry that you feel you aren't taken seriously,but we are all in the same boat regarding doctors not listening to what we have to say at times.There's always exceptions to the rules.
Even though Fibromyalgia is mostly a woman's disease, like all diseases sometimes both sexes can be effected.I hope you can find the right doctor that will treat you with respect.

Sometimes we have to be more assertive as patients,and teach the doctor how they should treat us.Their egos get in their way!

Many years ago mental illnesses and Multiple Sclerosis were not believed to be diseases.Science has proven them wrong .Now they have treatments and medications to really help the patients.

Over the years I've noticed a significant difference in the way people with MS have a better quality of life.I think Fibromyalgia will soon be a disease that medical research will prove all these doctors wrong!

What a day that will be !!!

As rude and as egocentric as Dr. House is on the TV show, I wish there were more doctors out there like him - not accepting norms, always and always thinking outside the box.

I know statistics say this or that - some illnesses are suffered by women more than men statistically, but we all can agree on this forum that any doctor should seriously consider that the patient in front of them might be that 5-10-15% in any shape or form. I never understood why most doctors do not do the elimination method - it is what I would do if I had a patient who kept coming to me with complaints. Work down the list, try different meds, look into research and case studies etc.

I am really sorry you have to go through this. Being diagnosed with fibro has been a long and tiring road for almost all of us here, but as a male not being taken seriously must've been even worse. I believe doing research and being an informative, intelligent patient is very important. (just like you seem to be doing). In the meantime, focus on your own well-being and not a diagnosis. We have to be strong both mentally and physically to fight any chronic illness. So you can start doing that, while you wait to see a specialist. I hope that it doesn't take you all that long to finally have a diagnosis, whatever you may have.

Thanks for the support VtC. The one thing that I've noticed in life generally speaking is that the best support comes from others with the same or similar conditions and symptoms.

I figured that a Fibro forum was the best place to get answers that I could count on vs mumbo jumbo from those who have opinions only.

Your idea about how to do an " elimination method " is a good one. We should have a mass mailing to all doctors suggesting it. :D
Hi Vangough,

Welcome to the forum.Im sorry that you feel you aren't taken seriously,but we are all in the same boat regarding doctors not listening to what we have to say at times.There's always exceptions to the rules.
Even though Fibromyalgia is mostly a woman's disease, like all diseases sometimes both sexes can be effected.I hope you can find the right doctor that will treat you with respect.

Sometimes we have to be more assertive as patients,and teach the doctor how they should treat us.Their egos get in their way!

Many years ago mental illnesses and Multiple Sclerosis were not believed to be diseases.Science has proven them wrong .Now they have treatments and medications to really help the patients.

Over the years I've noticed a significant difference in the way people with MS have a better quality of life.I think Fibromyalgia will soon be a disease that medical research will prove all these doctors wrong!

What a day that will be !!!


Thanks for the welcome!

I must admit that I might have taken a different approach by doing more research. But it still troubles me that I provided every doctor with long lists of symptoms and as it was a couple days ago: I look at the doctors face which doesn't give away anything ( poker face ) and after spelling things out she didn't even ask me to " tell me more about those tears or about how quickly the pain comes on and how long does it last ? " NOTHING except: " So we'll see you in 6 months " And there it is: THAT's the VA for you.
Almost all people who experience arthritis complain of the throbbing pain that the disease brings about. More often than not, only higher generation medications can help ease the pain. Arthritis acupuncture treatment may be the solution. Acupuncture arthritis aims to give pain relief through fixing the chemical imbalances that the body is experiencing.
Almost all people who experience arthritis complain of the throbbing pain that the disease brings about. More often than not, only higher generation medications can help ease the pain. Arthritis acupuncture treatment may be the solution. Acupuncture arthritis aims to give pain relief through fixing the chemical imbalances that the body is experiencing. My mother has also recently completed her acupuncture treatment from Myung Mun Acupuncture & Oriental Medicine and she was feeling very relaxed. Her acupuncturist also told not to stop the drugs recommended by the physicians. If both are used as a treatment method, you can be assured that the arthritis pain will cease in no time.
Thank you Richard for sharing your knowledge, experiences, and beliefs. As you mentioned, often we need to be open to all that is available and find the right recipe that works for us.

It seems to me that the fibro people who share their thoughts on this forum seeming willing to ask, to listen, to try the things that work for other sufferers of this interesting disorder.

Some methods work well for one person and not so much for another. I listen, and often try what others suggest. Sometimes ( often in fact ) I experiment on myself which I've done for years not just with Fibro but with everything from the common cold to operating on my self ( in a manner of speaking ) to remove an object that entered into my body by accident or consequence. More often than not I'm a better doctor that the doctors I'm seeing at the time especially when it comes to cutting and probing.

I think I would have been a great doctor.
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