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Does anyone post down here anymore? I have made post here before on the do I have ALS portion of forum and I seen my neuro a few weeks ago I was looking at my report to take to front desk. she markd Fibro. She never said anything to me, but for now I would be considerd in this group.

This is odd she never did look at my hand since then that hand with the finger has now startd to continously twitch non-stop and for a few weeks now that arm and hand of cramped up. Charlie horses are also new for me. Twitchs random bodywide have gotten worst. Iam confused does fibro do this?

That middle finger and hand also hurts on the bottom. My emg and ncv was clean for most part emg only have fibs and fascis on it. I am going to ALS clinic when calld. I am scard. I guess this is the section for me if anyone comes on here?

thanks for all support
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