
  1. B

    Confused and blindsided husband

    I have posted before and would like to see what advise you would provide me. I have a full time job and we have been married for 36 years. I have been her care giver and happy to do so for the last 5 years. She is on many meds for Fibro pain and bipolar. Recently, she and I discussed our future...
  2. B

    Husband cares for wife of 35 years

    I am new to this forum and it is helpful to seek and learn from experienced ways to cope with a loved one suffering from this insidious disease. I must say however, it shocked me the general view that husbands, men are incapable of support and kindness to their loved ones. I am sure that some...
  3. B

    Husband Day to Day

    New to the forum and wanted to reach out to those of you that could offer some guidance on care giving role I play. My wife of 35 years has battled Fibro for 7 years now. Background: I still work full time and have to travel out of town occasionally. She manages pain with Butrans patch and...
  4. D

    I’m new here

    Just trying to learn the ropes here. I was diagnosed in ‘98 . Took me awhile to wrap my head around diagnoses because I had never heard of it and of course if I hadn’t heard of it then it must not be true lol. I can handle the pain, it’s the fatigue that I can not manage. I feel very worthless...
  5. T

    New here and sad...

    Hi all, sorry to join up and then immediately post a negative, but I've been reading threads and the understanding and support you all give is amazing! Since my diagnosis, I have been coping ok, painkillers don't help me at all, so I have to just deal with my pain and other symptoms. Lately...
  6. H

    Help and support

    Hi. I'm new to this. I have been diagnosed with M.E and fibromyalgia. I have really low mood and I think I've tried most anti depressants. I'm currently taking amitriptyline 50mg. I tried to go up to 75mg but couldn't tolerate this so had to come down again. I don't really know if it is...
  7. S

    How can I support my hearing impaired mother when she is the one supporting me?

    Hello, I have myofascial pain syndrome and my mother takes care of my as a result of my disability. However, my mother is hearing impaired and losing more and more of her hearing. The sound quality that she hears is getting poorer and poorer as her auditory system continues to not work in a way...
  8. T

    What is your dream job?

    My name is Katie, and I have Fibromyalgia. I'm only 22. I've attempted to work full-time, but I was fired for issues related to disability. I saw a disability lawyer after the incident, but she stated it would be very difficult to file and win as I did not have my doctor's support. Since then, I...
  9. S

    feeling hopeless

    So I have a kidney transplant and about 40% efficient there and was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia last year. I have not been able to hold permanent full time employment due to chronic fatigue, muscle weakness, and pain/neuropathy. My last two employers said they would work with me on the...
  10. A

    Motivational tips to continue physiotherapy for fibromyalgia

    Sup everyone. I'm personally not affected by fibromyalgia but my girlfriend is. She also suffers from occasional spondylitis. After consulting the doctor she's been advised to undergo physiotherapy. It started out well but her pain is so intolerable sometimes that she ends up weak and unable to...
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