@SBee @sdoss and
Was going to quote, but takes space
Yes, always the balance ! I try to push myself, figuring laziness, and I feel good for it, and the next day or so, I crash, but then, sometimes, (sometimes, mind you) I'll go for a week or three, and feel good, then crash. But at least I got exercise
I did sign up an online video program, but too much up and down, it showed me I get low blood pressure, so there's another thing I need to work with (no big deal, water, salt, and coffee works
Carbonated drinks, have virtually not drunk them my whole life, lemonade or fanta when sick as a child, but not ever been into fizzy drinks. Artificial sweeteners, very much so in cordials, make me ill, either feel sick and or headaches.
I love wholemeal bread etc, but the catarrh makes me wary of that, it's okay if I'm careful of totals. I have not noticed relationship with foods and bloating, but thinking chilli sauce, some spice mixes, and something in some frozen meals, still trying to isolate there.
I stick with real cane sugar, mostly the raw, tried others, not for me, same with dairy, I stick with cow dairy and olive oil. I have a mistrust of canola, and it seems to have infiltrated everything, and I really believe that is not a wise move health wise.
Pregnant and breast feeding, cucumbers, pickled onions, banana and tomato were out, bubs couldn't handle it (can now, of course), but I think they are fine for me. Am having a slight question mark on banana though.
@Badger , a physio suggested cranberry or pear juice (juices, not drinks) and psyllium husk powder. I found about a cup of cranberry juice and add about a teaspoonful of psyllium husk powder ( the pure powder, not the ones with commercial additives) and quickly mix it in, quickly as it begins to set straight away, and leave it sit until fully "set". I then eat it as a dessert, like cranberry jelly. Sometimes with a little fruit , or ice cream etcetera.
Haven't done that for a while, was thinking I should get onto it again, actually. Thanks for the reminder
rambling again