
  1. J

    Don’t always feel as bad as I did during my previous post

    I am writing to let my readers know that when I wrote my previous post, I was in the middle of a bad fibro flare. Because of my faith, I do have great hope that one day I will be healed of this terrible condition. In the meantime, I follow posts in the forum that describe strategies for...
  2. Faustina

    Fibro pain flair and circumstances

    I Have suffered with Fibromyalgia for decades. My mother died in April of this year. I was. Her full time caregiver by the grace of God. Recently Began to suffer a pain flair which is hampering me. It feels like fascia/nerve/ bone pain and has been tender at surface and yet very deep...
  3. sdoss

    IBS and Fibro Related??

    Hello everyone! I have a question, I have suffered with IBS and Fibro for over 20 years. I have been told by my GP that they go hand in hand. It seems that when my IBS flares up my fibro seems to go crazy too. My fibro has always been concentrated around my rib cage. Has anyone ever dealt...
  4. J

    My Trial of Low Dose Naltrexone LD N for my fibro, "ME/CFS", MCAS and post vac Long Covid

    Instead of bits'n'bobs in passing, a separate diary-like thread, like @JamieMarc's guaifenesin one. (Meandering off here is no problem for me.) LD N has surprised me by being the one thing that's made the most sustainable improvement to my conditions. After and besides 100s of others that I...
  5. B

    Seeking Feedback. Fibro, Anxiety, Depression, Fatigue or all or none?

    I'm still learning about what is and isn't fibro. Today. I got going okay this morning, I had an early appt, 8:30, but an hour later, I felt dopey tired. By 10 I felt good, into work and then about 12 I struggled to keep my eyes open. By 1 I'm up and off again. (this is bookwork o the...
  6. longtimer

    Is it Fibro or a torn muscle?

    Hi - I've had severe pain in and around my hip for about 7 weeks now and its not improving - I see my doctor this week, but last time I saw him before Xmas he didn't address the pain there at all. Its impacting my ability to stand and walk and climbing stairs. How can I tell if this is a flare...
  7. Millie1994

    Ongoing issues

    Hello! I’m here really as I’m exhausting all options as to what’s going on with me. I’ve previously been diagnosed with ibs and pcos, but over the last 12 months I’ve struggled with many other symptoms. So my doctors are currently investigating my menstal cycle as I haven’t has a period in over...
  8. C

    Newly diagnosed in a global pandemic and lockdown...

    Hi all, I'm a (very) new member, having joined today, and am hoping for some advice. I'll give you the context leading up to where I am now, if that's OK. I began having pains in my wrists, hands and arms in January 2020. My GP thought it was Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) and I was told to...
  9. cindin4

    Chemical imbalance in brain is cause of Fibro?

    I saw my Rheumatologist today for a quarterly check up. We have tried Cymbalta--bothered my kidneys and created worse leg cramps/spasm/twitching. Then he put me on Lyrica--that stuff is nasty, expensive and created mental health issues, he then added Lexapro and it caused heart palpations. He...